
          	Okay, im spending all day writing "stars in the darkness" for you guys. I've been trying to get a solid story line before I start writing and I think I've finally found something that you'll love ❤
          	Chapter 1-3 hopefully posted tonight!!


I'm not crazy, I swear 
          Changed my name to something more meaningful and working on something which I've been dreaming about since day one. Unsure of how long it will take for the first chapter but I want to write 1-5 before I publish anything...
          This story means alot to me as I'm putting my heart and soul into the story. I hope you enjoy it as much as i do


Hi I was wondering if you have any suggestions on what Vampire books I clicks read?


@loving_the_bad when I finally get round to doing mine you can read that  
            But I would totally suggest Prince of darkness by Angeltwist. It's I my reading list 
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