
Hello everyone, a slight explanation for our disappearance… Work has been killing us, and even on our off days, we’re too tired to even think of potential plots for our books, but!! I have semi-good news, I think. We’re currently writing! I can’t promise any updates anytime soon, but just know we’re working on our books. So thank you for your patience!


Hello everyone, a slight explanation for our disappearance… Work has been killing us, and even on our off days, we’re too tired to even think of potential plots for our books, but!! I have semi-good news, I think. We’re currently writing! I can’t promise any updates anytime soon, but just know we’re working on our books. So thank you for your patience!


Guys, listen… obviously there’s been a lack of updates, and the reason for that is….. I don’t have one really, so here’s a question for you lot. What would you like to see more? An update for Forbidden Blood or an update for Midnight Whispers? I’m dying for your answers. 
          - Aries


@ChaosIncarnate3 Forbidden Blood, it has an amazing first chapters 


So of course Wattpad really went through with taking off direct messages, which is stupid of them to do, but to all our followers, if you wish to talk to us, whether it's a question about our books or just to talk, feel free to message us on our Insta or Tumblr!


Aries here,
          I apologize for the lack of chapters on Bound by Blood and Forbidden blood. You see, I have a crappy attention span and the amount of fanfics I wanna make is ridiculous. Like I have another book in the drafts, that I’m not gonna post until I can get one of the already published ones up to like 20 chapter. I need to make a schedule lol, but I promise you’ll see updates soon, dunno on what book yet though.


I have a bit of free time, so I plan on writing, I just don’t know when I’ll update 


@ChaosIncarnate3 you should continue with Forbidden blood, it's interesting.