
Recently, I finished RDR2 and it hit me a lot more than I thought it would. I kind of expected some of it but the emotional distress has been shocking. I’ve been personally reflecting on my life a lot, maybe that’s why.  
          	Anyway, I’m trying to get back into writing and while I’m still completing Thirsty, I’ll be expanding what I write. I started a few things here and there and then would chicken out and unpublish because it didn’t fit with the MHA vibe I was going for. But then I realised I started publishing here because I just enjoyed the pastime, didn’t matter what it was about. 
          	So I’ll be publishing more often when I can. And it’ll be a clusterfuck. 
          	Anyway, here’s a new fic.  


@Charx16x thank you lovely  means a lot 


You’re doing amazingly well with Thirsty! I absolutely love your writing


Recently, I finished RDR2 and it hit me a lot more than I thought it would. I kind of expected some of it but the emotional distress has been shocking. I’ve been personally reflecting on my life a lot, maybe that’s why.  
          Anyway, I’m trying to get back into writing and while I’m still completing Thirsty, I’ll be expanding what I write. I started a few things here and there and then would chicken out and unpublish because it didn’t fit with the MHA vibe I was going for. But then I realised I started publishing here because I just enjoyed the pastime, didn’t matter what it was about. 
          So I’ll be publishing more often when I can. And it’ll be a clusterfuck. 
          Anyway, here’s a new fic.  


@Charx16x thank you lovely  means a lot 


You’re doing amazingly well with Thirsty! I absolutely love your writing


i need to know if there’s others out there disappointed by recent chapters of mha. the story feels rushed and dragged out at the same time. ch 362 makes ?? no sense ?? like I cannot grasp the thinking of the characters i’m ngl… and it’s upsetting because it feels like things should not have gone that way?? like if ur gonna do it sure but let it kinda ??? make sense to characters and story ?? 


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I’ve just been watching the time pass since ch 39… 
          40 is coming, I know the points just not the shit in between and after this part I rly wanna ramp things up so I find myself getting excited about the stuff I gotta write after the stuff I gotta write