
this message may be offensive
It's so fucking annoying like whenever I feel like writing something or the other comes up and I just had to watch my hope die down. Like for example I switched on my laptop today to start a new fucking chapter and at the very moment my mother had to call me and we HAD to go at a relative's. I wanna die rn honestly 


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It's so fucking annoying like whenever I feel like writing something or the other comes up and I just had to watch my hope die down. Like for example I switched on my laptop today to start a new fucking chapter and at the very moment my mother had to call me and we HAD to go at a relative's. I wanna die rn honestly 


          For those who were waiting for the update of 'The beautiful mistake', please don't, I won't be updating anymore. I completely lost intrest in the characters. But just because I have lost intrest from the characters doesn't mean that I lost intrest from storyline. I will be uploading a book with the same storyline. I am very excited about this storyline and wanted to share with you all. I'm very sorry to disappoint you all, please believe when I say it was hard for me as well. Things have been quite hectic and didn't went the way I wanted. So for my early readers, I'm very sorry to disappoint you all, I know many of you are going to leave me but that's okay, because I'm at the fault. You can leave if you want. And for those who were interested in the storyline and want to stick with me, you're most welcome and I love you all. Please wait for me, I won't disappoint you this time. 


This was definitely not what I expected. Build, resigning from BOC? LIKE, WHAT ABOUT BIBLE? okay nvm. But still, I think it's bcz so that Poi wouldn't pin the company with him. And he's obviously going to court for his innocence. So, for the time period, SLAY BITCH WE'RE WITH YOU. But I think it's time to take a break from bl for me. Bcz all this is affecting me, so for the meantime, Beautiful mistake is again going on hiatus. 


@imaninnocentbish He is doing what he has to do. What about bible??he will be fine. His innocence? He will prove innocent?when did that happen i never knew stop this he is an abuser as far as the evidence speaks let's what the court will say.


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"I can make your life a living hell if I wanted to, wanted to~" KinnPorsche writers to KinnPorsche actors. (The only difference, they already made it a living hell). Can't believe there are still people like them. Only reason I watched Kpts was the actors, to support them, and the story was a pure incest, but the acting was amazing. And I will support every future series of the fellow actors. Regretted not knowing them before. Love you Build, every single fucking person with a brain and eyes are supporting you, including me.


My Twitter account is @GazsiLavinia, I will put on my profile description here as well. And for be add on chat u need to send a message or a friend request for me


And on Twitter are a petition who support Build if u want to sign


@ imaninnocentbish  if u want to rant and let all ur frustration u can enter our group on messenger and we use there all the language we can't use here we can swear without someone report us


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NO FUCKING WAY, I CANNOT FUCKING BELEIVE THIS. Noah Schnapp is gay. He came out as gay. WTF- LIKE, when I first saw him in Stranger things S4 I was like 'that bitch is definitely gay' but I thought it might be cuz of his character and I ignored my gaydar. Looks like my gaydar was right. LIKE NOAH, SAME DUDE! AJIDHDHDIKE DKDODNDBHDHDJDKX KLDJEPSPDB DNK?!?!?!?!?!?!


@imaninnocentbish believe* this is embarrassing 