
Hey there, dear reader :)
          	I have decided to continue 'The clockroom' story, which I had begun writing a couple years ago. I will work over the published chapters one by one and then hopefully continue. 
          	I had given up on the story for quite some time, but as I have begun rewatching BBC Merlin and am almost exactly where I left off at my research last time, PLUS still like the overall idea of the story, I want to give it another chance. 
          	I will have to work out some stuff with the Harry Potter references. At the time I was writing the story, JKR just started showing her true self, or rather, I learned of her true colors. Which then upset me and made me distance myself from the story. 
          	I am willing to work over my past mistakes, since I have learned a lot since then and I am simply incapable of leaving stories unfinished. They nag at my conscience. This also means that the Merlin's magic ONE SHOT series will be set on halt for a while. 
          	Not that there were ever One Shots in that one. 
          	Do you think I should start separating the Multi-chapter fics from the actual One-shots??? Maybe I should....


Hey don’t know if you ever use songs in your stories but Everything I Do by Bryan Adams 1991 is perfect for a Merthur story. I think anyhow lol. It was written for the movie Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves. It’s just a thought but the way you write, you would do it justice.  As always Love your work! Thank you for sharing your talent with us!❤️


@ Celeste404100  it should be in the Merlin's magic series under IDI4U. I'm pretty sure I've seen you comment on it too. 


Which of your collections is it in? I thought I had read all of your Merlin ones. Lol Glad to hear there’s something I missed. You are by far a favorite!
            Thanks for answering!!❤️❤️


@Celeste404100 Hey :D I rarely do. But I have with the hearse song by Rusty Cage. I probably could do one for "I do it for you." But I have already written a story by the same name. Actually, that story title was based on the song, too. "Everything I do (I do it for you)." It was one of the most heartbreaking stories I've ever written. 
            Thank you for your comment haha XD


Hello there friend, I have checked your book and it's really interesting, enough to make you a good judge of a book, I need that, an opinion on my newly published story if it is possible, I would appreciate a lot. 


Hey there, dear reader :)
          I have decided to continue 'The clockroom' story, which I had begun writing a couple years ago. I will work over the published chapters one by one and then hopefully continue. 
          I had given up on the story for quite some time, but as I have begun rewatching BBC Merlin and am almost exactly where I left off at my research last time, PLUS still like the overall idea of the story, I want to give it another chance. 
          I will have to work out some stuff with the Harry Potter references. At the time I was writing the story, JKR just started showing her true self, or rather, I learned of her true colors. Which then upset me and made me distance myself from the story. 
          I am willing to work over my past mistakes, since I have learned a lot since then and I am simply incapable of leaving stories unfinished. They nag at my conscience. This also means that the Merlin's magic ONE SHOT series will be set on halt for a while. 
          Not that there were ever One Shots in that one. 
          Do you think I should start separating the Multi-chapter fics from the actual One-shots??? Maybe I should....


Heylo, guys, girls and nonbinary pals,
          I have finally figured out how to approach the next chapter without writing an entire Book about Morgana's time in past Camelot :D
          Not sure if you'll hate or love it, but there certainly isn't anything in between. 
          If all goes well, Chapter 8 will be uploaded during the upcoming week. 
          Also, I am once again trying to figure out spacing and how to do paragraphs, because apparently "they always tarnish it's (the story's) shine." But there also isn't an universal guide. 
          Have you ever read a book? It's different in every single one!!!
          Also my writing programs happen to make paragraphs at random sometimes, especially when transfered to ao3 or wattpad. So, i am asking for your help. Tell me, if you think I've set it up wrong. If it's inconsistent and how you would approach the matter, instead. 
          Please be mindful that I am not a native English speaker. Some things I do are greatly influenced by my German heritage. For example: it's normal in German to indicate who's speaking AFTER the fact. I've been told by someone that that's apparently unusual in English texts. 
          Or when to place commas. 
          Feel free to tell me these things :) if i can adjust these things right, you might get to read my stories better.
          (And if you think that something I did was correct, tell me that too. If i only see what's wrong and not how to fix it, then i simply can't fix it.)
          Thank you for your attention and perhaps, your help as well :3  ^^


this message may be offensive
Hello dear Reader, 
          I know it's already been 3 weeks, since the last update of Regent. The story is (once again) Turning out longer and more complicated than I thought.
          The coming chapter is dealing mostly with Morgana and I am so not used to writing her. She's difficult, because she's dumb, but not anxious and that's weird  and originally, (when Regent was still supposed to have 5 chapters) she wasn't even part of the story. (I tried to avoid her so bad lol)
          Now, however, I have to use her, because her actions shape the entire thing somehow.
          To do that, I might have to go back over all the chapters and make a cheat note for the things she's responsible for.
          This is one thing.
          The other thing is that I am now back to school. And my stupid ass chose a text based degree. Which means I have to read a lot. And reading is one mood for my brain that cancels out my writing mood. 
          Plus, the texts are so complicated and high level quality, so that I get self conscious, when I look at my own.
          Also I just moved and have to look for a side job, so I can finance the whole shabang.
          What I mean is that you will have to have patience with me, if you want to read Regent till the very end. Because it's difficult for me to find the time.
          And you will need even more, if you're waiting on me to write something else.
          This is (btw) not meant as an apology. Just keeping you updated about the Situation, so you know WHY it's so slow going. 
          Thanks for reading ^^
          Ps.: I really miss writing to unnecessary lengths in the night ): I dunno why, I just really love it.


@Changelink23 I’ll be here to read your writing whenever you decide you’re ready, take your time


I'm once again not posting much.
          I have lost the control over the narrative. 
          I really, really need to go back to short stories. 


@ OrganicTomatoes  thank you :)


@Changelink23 all good dude, you do you. Take your time