
          	I forgot to mention that Daemon is gonna be aged down
          	He’s gonna be around 4-6 when Rhaenyra is born. So rather than the 16 year age gap with Rhaenyra it’s gonna be 6. 
          	So I can’t be bothered to figure out the age difference between him and Dany…
          	But at least it’s not as bad right?
          	So when Daemon starts spoiling Rhaenyra is when he was 12ish. 
          	His relationship with Viserys is gonna be way better cause he raised him a bit more.
          	Baelon will have died later so there still is a good relationship between him and Daemon


@ChampagneandBubbles At least the age difference is not great Daemon and Daenerys are very similar, to protect their family they are capable of everything


@ChampagneandBubbles When you can update your story I really like it and I want to see Dany in action


          I forgot to mention that Daemon is gonna be aged down
          He’s gonna be around 4-6 when Rhaenyra is born. So rather than the 16 year age gap with Rhaenyra it’s gonna be 6. 
          So I can’t be bothered to figure out the age difference between him and Dany…
          But at least it’s not as bad right?
          So when Daemon starts spoiling Rhaenyra is when he was 12ish. 
          His relationship with Viserys is gonna be way better cause he raised him a bit more.
          Baelon will have died later so there still is a good relationship between him and Daemon


@ChampagneandBubbles At least the age difference is not great Daemon and Daenerys are very similar, to protect their family they are capable of everything


@ChampagneandBubbles When you can update your story I really like it and I want to see Dany in action


Alright so I’m most likely not going to update that soon as I’ve decided that Drogons size doesn’t really make sense, so I’m going to have him as a wild dragon around the same size he was when Daenerys died, he’s going to fly from Dragon stone to kings landing and basically stay there till new born Daenerys is introduced. 
          I wanted Drogon to sort of have a reputation before she claims him. Viserion will be female and she and Rhaegal will be elusive and only rumours will all that’s known about them before they come to Daenerys.
          Sorry for the long wait❤️❤️❤️


That’s a really great idea I can’t wait for you to write viserion and rhaegal . They should have never died 


Hey guys, sorry for the wait on All Black But Gold, but i'm currently working on a new book. 
          A SEA OF BLOOD AND SAPPHIRE --->   A bloodthirsty, vengful FemPercy gets sent to the Trojan war era and falls for a Dark Apollo. She has Rhea's Ourania's (Kronos wife) and fights for the greeks.
          BLACK HEARTS ---> Its a Rhea reborn as Percy Jackson twin sister. They're both dark, vengful and Rhea is well loved by her family. She fades and comes back to life reborn in time for the Titan war.  Its a Kronos and Rhea end pairing - but he has to work super hard cause she hasnt forgiven him for cheating and killing her kids.


I just wanted to say that  All Black but gold is NOT being discontinued, only altered because the plot is similar to The Hand Of Helen despite some VERY big obvious changes, I plan to change some things around so it’s not as similar and give them credit. 
          Don’t worry the chapters will be republished once more with difference to them, I DONT want to take another books plot which was why I altered it but the author contacted me and they weren’t pleased despite the changes. 
          So I’m on a mission to change my plot, (some things will remain the same just not all)
          This is MY story, I don’t want someone claiming it’s theirs just because the plot is similar. 
          Not to mention that our stories were taking different paths. I did want to inform you guys what’s going to happen next tho
          - daemon hates Nyra
          - Dany becomes regent ( acting ruler ) 
          - Nyra gets even more bitter cause then people see how queens SHOULD act 
          - the betrothal between the Velaryon twins gets denied cause Daemon doesn’t like the strong kids 
          - Dany gets her kids back!! 
          So the story diverges ALOT from Hand Of Helen book, I was sort of using it as a world building guild if that makes sense…
          Just wanted to inform you guys!!


@Anndy464 if you go to ao3 and search up Hand Of Helen it’ll be one of the first things you see, if not then got to filters and put - House of the dragon (tv) 


@AlexaBrooke4  can you share the link of this book hand of helen ? I cannot find it 


Thanks I appreciate that cause I thought they were different enough and then I get a message and it’s like, ‘your copying my story, please remove it or do an entirely different plot’ and then I had no idea what to do