
Just opened up Wattpad and there is a new “Offline book limit” feature? What the hell?! The lengths Wattpad has gone to monetise is ridiculous! 
          	The introduction of Wattpad Premium, Paid Stories, and constant advertisements were annoying but I could handle it. But THIS?!! NO. Wattpad has gone too far. It’s become more of a hassle to use Wattpad with its increasingly restrictive Updates/features. I just want all the crap to go away. 
          	At the very least: REMOVE the OFFLINE BOOK LIMIT!! Not everyone has money to pay for Wattpad Premium, or has access to Unlimited Data or Wifi 24/7. Come on! Think about it. You’re gonna lose a lot of people.


@Cerebru been stressing this since it started lol


Just opened up Wattpad and there is a new “Offline book limit” feature? What the hell?! The lengths Wattpad has gone to monetise is ridiculous! 
          The introduction of Wattpad Premium, Paid Stories, and constant advertisements were annoying but I could handle it. But THIS?!! NO. Wattpad has gone too far. It’s become more of a hassle to use Wattpad with its increasingly restrictive Updates/features. I just want all the crap to go away. 
          At the very least: REMOVE the OFFLINE BOOK LIMIT!! Not everyone has money to pay for Wattpad Premium, or has access to Unlimited Data or Wifi 24/7. Come on! Think about it. You’re gonna lose a lot of people.


@Cerebru been stressing this since it started lol


Please post any REAL classic books you think that I should read on my profile! I'm trying to broaden my horizon in my book interests and I'm going onto classics.
          It would also be helpful if you tell me your opinion of at least one of the books!


The book Undead Love has been reposted and I'm rewriting it. It will still have some things the same as originally planned but most of the storyline will be changed. 
          I wont update everyday/week because I'll be in the middle of school work, reading,etc, and I'll be trying to get ideas to continue the book. I'll also try to edit my work as much as possible before posting because I'm hoping sometime in the future after I've finished the book that I'll be able to publish it!
          It will be a dream come true for me to publish a book before I'm 18!