
I'm so incredibly pissed off right now. The phone I ordered hasn't even shipped yet. It was supposed to get here tuesday.


Hey, I'm doing a 24hour readathon with my sister that we're planning on uploading to YouTube. I was just wondering if it would be okay to include an Oath if Lords and Ladies in the video! 


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@CreationSaga But shit i'm sorry


@CreationSaga See im lucky in the sense that there are three seperate copies of the first drafts of all of my books (ao3,wattpad,reedsy)- so the only things i really need to be worried about are wether or not my notes were fully backed up and whether or not my family tree app was- that alone contains hundreds of years worth of worldbuilding that's important for seven of the books in my fantasy series- if i've lost that i may simply quit writing forever 


@CelestiaNorwood I lost most of notes that had all my worldbuilding, a few photos and videos but I managed to backup most of it T-T luckly i'm still old school and have two entire folders of handwritten notes.


So uh- I just finished a 254 THOUSAND word book???