
Hey people! I want ya'll to check out Reverie reviews! It's a really great place to have your work critiqued and get genuine helpful feedback! 


Apologies in advance for sliding into conversation board uninvited
          However I just published my newest book on my main account, I promise you it’s nothing ordinary and will drown you into a tales of suspense.
          (If you dislike this promote, kindly delete my message and do not mention me on comment)


My friends, my followers,the final three chapters of war of the world tree have been posted and book 1 complete! I have surpassed my limits like never before and given liquid awesomeness!
          So anyone who loved book 1 join me August 7th for the first chapter of book 2! Oh ya it's going to be nuts you'll kick yourself for sleeping on it. So to prevent self injury please join me.