
From the runner-up in the Attys competition several years ago (Coming to Terms), a new miniseries of sonnets, Madison Street, is now published online. I now have four books published, with a fifth coming out this fall! I hope you'll visit my poetry blog, The Wonderful Boat, at !!!


From the runner-up in the Attys competition several years ago (Coming to Terms), a new miniseries of sonnets, Madison Street, is now published online. I now have four books published, with a fifth coming out this fall! I hope you'll visit my poetry blog, The Wonderful Boat, at !!!


Dear Wattpad followers!  Now we are 5,614!!!! Thank you so much for following my poetry.  I have a special favor to ask. Please think about purchasing my first full-length collection of poems, Lines of Flight, now on sale at Amazon, either .com or .ca.  Sixty poems you will surely enjoy. Hope many of you will put it on your "to read" list. Also makes a wonderful gift. Thank you. Catherine


I'd love it if some of my over 5,000 Wattpad followers would please think about going to Amazon and ordering my collection of poems, Lines of Flight. It is currently on sale!  There are sixty poems, in different forms, and it comes with a wonderful recommendation by Poet Laureate Richard Wilbur.  I'm sure you will enjoy these poems. Thank you


Dear Wattpad followers:  I'll be entering many of my poems on my blog, The Wonderful Boat, on a daily basis. I hope you'll stop by and read them. Yesterday I posted a sonnet, "Ruins" which remembers 9/11, and today another, "Marah's Waters" which describes a scene I witnessed on the beach at Piriápolis, Uruguay in 2004. Thanks for following!  Cathy


OMG!!! I have over 3,400 followers on Wattpad, and over 35,000 readers of my Attys collection, Coming to Terms!  So grateful to you all!  Looks like the next Attys will be in April 2014, so I'm preparing a new collection.  Hope you all join in on the fun, too!  Also, please consider buying my first book, Lines of Flight, at Amazon or from Able Muse Press. Only $15 for 60 poems in many different forms. Thank you!!! Cathy


Dear Wattpad Followers,
          I'm thrilled to see I now have over 1,300 followers here on Wattpad!  Also my blog, The Wonderful Boat, has now surpassed the 25,000 visit count.  Thank you, everyone!!!  If you love my formal poetry, I urge you to purchase "Lines of Flight" either from Amazon or the publisher, Able Muse Press. Also, i you know someone who would like to review the book, please let me know. 
           ♥ Cheers, Cathy 


Dear New Followers -- WOW! There are now over 300 followers!  If you really enjoyed "Coming to Terms" I invite you to buy my full-length collection (60 poems!) entitled "Lines of Flight" available at Amazon or from the publisher, Able Muse Press. Margaret Atwood is going to Tweet her followers as soon as my second collection comes out nest March. Thanks!  ♥ Cathy