
قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
The last thing people should do is force your beliefs onto your followers. "oh so and so doesn't exist? then explain this." I could explain it to you, you just won't fucking listen. That's why I've unfollowed them. They dont deserve that follow if they're going to act all grumpy.


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
The last thing people should do is force your beliefs onto your followers. "oh so and so doesn't exist? then explain this." I could explain it to you, you just won't fucking listen. That's why I've unfollowed them. They dont deserve that follow if they're going to act all grumpy.


I feel so overwhelmed by many different emotions and I don’t know how or why something about pathfinder terrifies me and now that school is back I don’t think I can participate in it anymore even though we barely had any sessions it’s just I don’t know but I don’t want to upset Sean or make him disappointed because he really wants me to get into this and enjoy it with him but I don’t know. I don’t know I don’t know I’m overwhelmed and I practically had another panic attack.


Have you ever felt so betrayed from wattpad, that they recommend a fanfiction out of your comfort zone and honestly disgusting, I'm sorry to Lucius x Hermione and Snape X Hermione shippers but that is DISGUSTING? WATTPAD NO. "MASTER MINE" will NEVER BE READ BY ME.


@lindxey I have to agree. I keep getting recommended stories that are no way like anything I want to read and there's no way to get them to go away.