
          The portal she stepped through would put her on the outskirts of the castle's territory; it had long since been abandoned, except for the people on the other side. When she stepped through and breathed the crisp air, she was greeted by the sight of a small handful of others. 
          Following her, Sariel entered a few seconds after, enough time for her to clear the way from the portal so Sariel wouldn't collide with her on the other side. 
          The figures on the other side, waiting for her, were all very different from one another. 
          One of them had fiery-orange eyes, and was standing in front of a much larger, what looked to be, robot suit of some kind. It was kneeling behind him and the torso was opened, revealing where the "pilot" would be located within. Another was wearing a black hoodie, with the hood up and either hand tucked into the front pouch/pocket. One of his eyes glowed red energy, but it seemed to be idle. He radiate extremely high level of magical power.  Another was a male that was dressed in formal dress-like armor that was designed to look like clothing. Sheathed on his hip was a seemingly ordinary sword, but those that knew him would know it was actually extremely powerful, and he was an expert with it. 
          Sariel cleared his throat. "Meet Rinn and his combat suit—my brother, actually— Galtor, who is the one with the red eye energy, and then Zelthys. We are all the leaders of our group."


@Aeternus @Korzan_Neci @Raelitha @Polariseren Their ship, which had been granted a lucky enough smooth sailing, stopped as close to the shore as it could safely get. The small boat that would row the small party of hunters to shore landed in the water with the sound of the boat slapping against the surface. Ilthaen would be the last to get on the boat, making sure the rest of his party got on first, but only after everyone was on would the boat be rowed to shore. Once there, in no particular order, they would all have to get off. Ilthaen led the pace, eager to check out the location that had been chosen for them. It was a small place as far as castles went, however it was likely larger than what they were used to. A portion of the castle overlooked the cliff side and peered to the channel that they had brought their ship through, which eventually led to the ocean. They finally arrived.
          Ilthaen was pleased with the speed of the trip, only taking a few weeks since weather was optimal; he wasn't sure how he'd have liked a rough journey, or worse. The last thing they'd have needed was to wind up beached on some remote island that nobody had ever heard of. 
          Nobody would have looked for them in that case, nobody would have known they were gone. 
          Ilthaen was very pleased that there were no such disturbances to the plan. The party would have to make their way around the cliff to its base, where it would slowly raise up again; essentially making them trail a single, large bend. The good thing about this, however, was that other than the disadvantageous climbing of the cliff, the only way to the castle was the single, bottle-necking stretch of land. If an army came marching their way, they'd be constricted to small rows at a time. Ilthaen looked to the castle once they had a straight pace toward it. 
          He could already see it was designed to defend its most vulnerable spot, and no doubt scaling the cliff would be a feat in it of itself. Then again, there were always


@Deveritus  @Polariseren @Raelitha @Aeternus
            Marrsil spent little time being in awe of the castle this time around, and instead got right to the climbing bit. Starting at the bottom of one rising tower she found hand holds and foot holds in the stones and swiftly began to ascend. She aimed for the top of the tower, hoping the floor above hadn't crumbled in, if it had she would have to climb back down as well. Down wasn't nearly as fun as up in Marrsil obviously professional opinion.  It all went well until she began to get about half way up. The higher stones steam to have suffered from the weather and age a lot worse than those near the ground and did not have quite as much grip as one would need to ascend. Marrsil didn't stop though and managed to get high enough to sit in a window, far far above the land. Looking out upon it was simple amazing.


@Deveritus  @Polariseren @Raelitha @Korzan_Neci
            Xessyth sled down the slope with a rapid pace, taking in the freedom of an actual adventure. It'd been forever on that ship, it felt. Rather than being "normal" and just finishing the slide he fell into a roll and jumped onto his feet all graceful like. The area was pretty foresty but not enough to be an actual.. forest. His entrance caused a handful of the wildlife to run off but he took it in stride. "Must be too awesome." he mused to himself, taking a look over his shoulder as Ilthaen finished his "entrance" to their new backyard. "I reckon theres a nice fishing spot back here, y'know?" he asked with a smirk.
            He led on, past a good handful of trees, scaring off yet more of the wildlife. Not much caught his eye outside of the slightly more exotic than usual deer or oddly-colored rodent. Surely there has to be some kind of excitement. As if answering his thoughts, a loud screech rang through the air, originating from far off in the distance.


@Deveritus @Polariseren @Aeternus @Korzan_Neci 
            Ystalyfera chuckled as Marrsil ran past, and raised a hand in greeting but continued to find Erdyne since Marrsil was heading the other way. She found the kitchen, and placed it firmaly within her mental map before finally catching up to her, where she focused on the two bottles the other held. She swept over, trying to see if they sported labels. Giving up, she grinned at her sister. 
            "Nice job, wine is always an essential supply. One each?" She joked, making a grab for the bottle. "I've done my share of exploring, so it would be a good way to pass the time."