
          	Can't play Azur Lane no more. It needs a mandatory 2.9 gig update and I only got 500 megabytes.
          	On a lighter note, that doesn't mean I'll let that stop me from writing! Even if I can't play anymore, I won't stop giving yall good and enjoyable stories to read! 
          	Still cooking currently, but I'll get around to finishing soon!


@CassusSkirata just uninstall and reinstall it again And download the RSS that way you can Download the update Without doing an update, does that make sense? I think not.


No worries! I one got Azur Lane, but it took like… 27 of my 32 gb. I had to remove it for the sake of my iPad. Maybe when I get a computer…


          Can't play Azur Lane no more. It needs a mandatory 2.9 gig update and I only got 500 megabytes.
          On a lighter note, that doesn't mean I'll let that stop me from writing! Even if I can't play anymore, I won't stop giving yall good and enjoyable stories to read! 
          Still cooking currently, but I'll get around to finishing soon!


@CassusSkirata just uninstall and reinstall it again And download the RSS that way you can Download the update Without doing an update, does that make sense? I think not.


No worries! I one got Azur Lane, but it took like… 27 of my 32 gb. I had to remove it for the sake of my iPad. Maybe when I get a computer…


Holy moly I just noticed that Strange New World has gotten up to 9 and a half THOUSAND reads. Just wanna thank you all for all the support and giving the time of day to ready my story! Honestly I really wasn't expecting that many people to give my story a proper read especially since I'm a first time author but once again I thank everyone and I say EVERYONE who has shown support thus far.
          Yall drove me to push out these chapters, no matter how much time passes in between releases.
          Yet again, I thank yall for that. I can't find it in me to say anything other than thank you and I'll say it as many times as I deem necessary.
          Live Long and Prosper, my dear followers 


@CassusSkirata space the final frontier these are the voyages of the starship Enterprise her 5 year long mission is to explore strange new world to seek out new life and use civilization to boldly go where no one has gone before.
            Mean I've watched The 2 Season of Strange New worlds and it got me Hooked to Star Trek Captain's Pike and the Crew of the Enterprise is so Cool


@CassusSkirata Keep cooking king! Long live and prosper.


Hey hey people, Cass here! Just wanted to announce that I have a new story in the works and it'll probably be out after I finish Strange New Worlds! As for the story itself, I'll probably post a teaser chapter in my current story to give yall a sneak peek behind the scenes of this new story (spoiler alert, it's another azur lane crossover). 
          But hey, I'm a bit of a nice guy so I'm gonna give yall a teeny tiny hint.
          The Beast of Possibility has returned...
          Do what you want with that hint, but hey I'd say it's pretty obvious. Anyways! Peace out people!


Hey,I am making this new fanfiction of Azur lane,I haven't seen any kind of this story,it's basically an isekai story of ships but ships are not alive,they got actual crew,I did change the power scaling of sirens like a lot so that they are weaker in certain cases(like they cant open portals near the ships),so would you please tell me how it is?also give me some plot recommendations that doesn't go too off the original storyline?


@Neoko-A This story has definitely piqued my interest. Future chapters are definitely something I look forward to!


I've come to make an announcement. Shadow the hedgehog is a-


A what? What is he? You can’t leave us on a cliffhanger! WHAT IS SHADOW!?


Hi if possible could you do a story about USS MISSOURI from battleship but in the end of the movie the ship died and then it was summoned to AL?


@THUNDERHOGII Hmm... that depends because I already have other stories planned out after this one... BUT! There is indeed a good story relating to that topic that you're talking about! It's called "I once fought an alien" and it's a good Azur Lane fic! Plus some added original characters here and there.


Dear Cassus,
          My, you have created something legendary! Allow me to be one of your followers, and I will watch your career with great interest. As an Azur Lane fan and someone who adores the Kelvin Timeline of Star Trek, it is hard to find a story with both aspects in one. So, you have my attention.
          With regards,
          -Mr Twisted, CEO of Twisted Studios Inc.


this message may be offensive
I was not expecting your latest release. But, that was some hilarious shit.


@He-Who-Remembers1 Thank you for the kind words, my friend! Indeed I seek to deliver something with both aspects of those two things. Updates shall be, at most, weekly and I have great plans for future shatters once we get past the initial episodes. I ain't gonna spoil anything tho :)
            -Cassus Skirata