
Last chapter of Flicker out <3 Happy Holidays. Stay blesed. 
          	Check out my FB, Instagram, and Twitter @ thewomynwhowrites
          	Also explore, <3


Hello friends. Been a while since I updated. Life has been a wild, crazy, adventure. I hope everyone is keeping safe from the virus as much as possible. I am considering moving over to Patreon. My stories are very popular and I hope you all will support that. Still mulling things over. In the meanwhile, check out my FB and instagram @
          Stay blessed. Happy reading.


Happy New Years to all my lovely fans and followers. Thank you so much for being here with me.
          I have not been updating regularly. I love my books. However, I have to reprioritize some things and publishing art takes a lot of mental energy and I need to save that for myself. However, I love to hear from you. Feel free to read what I have now and my completed works.
          I am a self-published author and have a instagram and facebook.
          Follow me at @thewomynwhowrites to learn more about the womyn behind the words.
          Wherever you are in the world now, stay safe.
          With love,
          @facebook and instagram


"Flicker" is back  by popular demands - the sequel to "Flutter." Check it out now.


@Cassiebobassie I am so glad it's back☺️. Doing happy dance❤️❤️❤️. 