
Also, the characters in this book are heavily inspired by their portrayals in the 25th Anniversary at the Royal Albert Hall and in the original novel.


Hello everyone! Thank you to those who have read my fanfic so far. I hope to finish it sometime soon.
          I am dedicating "La Mascarade" to Phans who were disappointed with "Love Never Dies". That horrific mess of a sequel left every single one of the characters that I know and love without a happy ending. I wanted to write a story that gave Christine, the Phantom/Erik, Raoul, and Meg the "happily ever after" that they deserve. 
          In addition, I don't understand why Christine still loved the Phantom when he was repeating the violent behavior that he demonstrated in POTO. I would like to think that the Final Lair scene marked the beginning of a period of significant growth in the Phantom, and that Christine's show of affection inspired him to better himself. I wanted to see a sequel in which the Phantom atoned for his past wrongdoings, and I was gravely disappointed.
          I am writing this for myself and for like-minded POTO phans. Everyone in "Love Never Dies" deserved better, and I hope that this story will satisfy all of our cravings to see the Angel of Music grow as an individual. 
          Thank you for reading!