
I hope you can ignore all of my random notes in below.
          	Hello, my name is Ruf. I am a daily office worker who had engineering degree in the past. I can understand EN/ID. I am a reader but not really an active writer. I read anything what I want. For now, mostly I read English book. I created my first account Wattpad in 2017 when I was still a teenager who loved fantasy and sci-fi stories example Hunger Games and The Lord of The Rings. The time passed, my like and dislike is also changed. I open again my account in 2024 and try to start read again start from easy reading stories in English. Nice to meet you.


I hope you can ignore all of my random notes in below.
          Hello, my name is Ruf. I am a daily office worker who had engineering degree in the past. I can understand EN/ID. I am a reader but not really an active writer. I read anything what I want. For now, mostly I read English book. I created my first account Wattpad in 2017 when I was still a teenager who loved fantasy and sci-fi stories example Hunger Games and The Lord of The Rings. The time passed, my like and dislike is also changed. I open again my account in 2024 and try to start read again start from easy reading stories in English. Nice to meet you.


Super random opinion, 
          As an adult, lulus kuliah, kerja, sebagian sudah tidak tinggal dengan orang tua, kegiatan yang mulai sangat rawan ditinggalkan adalah sholat, padahal waktu kecil kita mikirnya keknya engga mungkin kita sampai ada niatan ninggalin sholat karena ini kewajiban yang basic banget masa ditinggalin sih. Nah pas udah gede, sholat tu kek rasanya hal kecil yang rawan banget ditinggalkan. Apalagi di tempat konstruksi, kayak engga bisa maksa untuk bisa sholat pada saat itu juga.
          Penyebab sholat ini ditinggalkan karena lingkungan pertemanan dan juga karena udah capek banget beraktivitas. Di aku, aku masih sholat karena aku sadar kalau aku--amit-amit jangan sampai gusti--didepak dari tempat rantauanku dan harus kembali pulang, at least aku tidak malu ketika ada di rumah nanti.


I try to read lil bit stories but idk some of the stories I cannot understand, It likes ... I dont like the hard language, I mean some of literature people they like the dancing letters, the dancing words the beautiful words, but for me it likes what is the point, what is the meaning. Maybe my taste of writing is changed and I dont like to make things difficult. Yeah I try to be fishing it first until i get the match taste for me.


Maybe in the reallife I met a man who is so arrogant and lil bit upnormal for some reason, in the first meeting I had a plan to stay away from him lol becuase I wanted to be more realistic like more aware in the reality. I didnt want to look different w the other people that time, cuz he is so potential to make me like philosophy and make my daydreaming soul in wattpad is awakening (I had a plan to leave wattpad because I thought this hobby is not realistic again and not beneficial and I ever hear that in the 23-50 y.o we dont have time for ourselves because we will so busy). His upnormal is same with @NevMenevel_ and @monochrome_shana404 i think, yeah his upnormal is same with INTJ icon but I try to not believe that because He always comes to class or events 3 minutes before the event starts lol. Maybe if someone know who is Sora_Crepusculum, It will be him. Idk he plays wattpad or not, but I guarantee he will like my reading lists in this account haha. The poor thing, I cannot tell him my wattpad account.
          I don't have a romantic relationship with him, he's not the type to let himself get caught up in romance. We're just pretty relatable--I think--because it seems like we're both intuitive people. But because of him too, I want to continue my wattpad.


So i change my username become this, idk maybe it will be the cringe name or anything idk but it has the lil same meaning w Rumah Kapas or Cotton house lol, but I changed Cotton to Daydreaming cuz when I tried to translate the cotton word, the translate from a lot of countries was so bad. so Casa meaning is house and Kusosuru is Daydreaming. And I try to not use Loiruf again because that name is so difficult to read it and I am a girl so I will not use the name that it is so boyish again. But my nickname here is still Ruf ( this is from Ru from Rumah kapas and f from my last real name). So yeah, I will be trying to make the stories again to increase the creativity.


@monochrome_shana404 eh btw kak udah nyoba platform apa lagi kak selain wattpad, siapa tahu ada platform nulis yang lebih up to date.


@monochrome_shana404 Siap Kak, di tempat baru ane bingung kek ane ada waktu luang mau ane apain ya, soalnya  dari beberapa bulan atau mungkin dua tahun lalu homework ane kek banyak banget, jadi kayak bener-bener engga pegang sama sekali novel komik creative things dll malah pernah ada di fase kek baca novel ini kek washting time banget saking engga ada waktu luang, sekalinya sekarang mulai ada waktu luang ane malah bingung wkwk, yaudah coba balik deh ke dunia tulis tulis ini. Kak shana keren kek engga pernah capek nulis, mangat juga buat kakak


@Casa_Kusosuru Awwie~~, new name is a good start sometimes. Semoga kamu kembali dengan karya-karya kerenmu, Ruf!!! ><