
Woah! You can read from all 20+ books in the Rite to Reign collection I’m in! Packed full of witchy goodness! Here’s the profile:


Hey I would really like if you could check out my new story and give a honest feedback
          It's about a girl living her normal but suddenly everything flips off and she learns that she is actually a very extraordinary witch.....i am sorry if I am being rude or creepy and you can delete it if you don't like it.....thank you so much and i'll leave the link here if you ever decide to check it out...


Hellooooo, my lovelies :) 
          Feel like partying tonight? Come to my Facebook release party for my newest book, Silently into the Night! 
          Romance, a bad ass female lead, death, the grim reaper, a Halifax setting, HEA, who could ask for more? 
          Everyone is welcome and you could win some serious prizes. Free books, autographed books, swag, gift cards as high as $350...
          It’s tonight from 6-10pm est! I REALLY hope to see you guys there!!
          Just rsvp here:


Uhm, heya.. I kind of bumped into one of your books "Iron and Wine" a very long time ago, and I just got the chance to read it a few weeks ago.. And I must say that I love it.  I was amazed with the simple but intricate plot and I was amazed tat you're actually an author.. Thanks for being here at wattpad..  


Awwww thank you!! Sorry for the late response. I've been on a book tour and haven't had a chance to check Wattpad :) 


So, I just love the readers I meet on Wattpad. I have over 10k of you and that just rocks my world!! 
          Who would like to be part of my official street team? You'd get all my books for FREE, advanced reading copies of new books, participate in any of my author events, all in exchange for spreading the word and leaving reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. 
          If you're interested, inbox me! Xox


@CandaceOsmond how can I be one with your street team? 


Hey KittyKay! 
            Only being awesome haha 
            Basically, I add you to a private Facebook group (my street team), where I post all of my events, new releases, sales, etc. 
            My street team would then join my fun events (where they can usually win books by other amazing authors), spread the word whenever I have something to share, and of course read and review my books. 
            You'd get any of my current novels, plus all future books before they're even released. All I ask is for an Amazon and/or Goodreads review in return.
            Make sense? 
            If you're interested, find me on Facebook under Author Candace Osmond and shoot me a msg. I'll add you to the street team group. 


@CandaceOsmond what is expected in being a "street team" member?