
Did anyone else have all their messages just get mass deleted on here? Like yeah I had stuff from 5 years ago but those messages were always there and now this morning all my private messages are gone....


@Callsign-Denmark oh ok but idk why they took them away


@mattdawsonL0v3er no I don't get on here much, only to update stories after I post them to Tumblr or A03. I got on here to update some covers when I saw my messages were gone. Why did they take them away? 


Did anyone else have all their messages just get mass deleted on here? Like yeah I had stuff from 5 years ago but those messages were always there and now this morning all my private messages are gone....


@Callsign-Denmark oh ok but idk why they took them away


@mattdawsonL0v3er no I don't get on here much, only to update stories after I post them to Tumblr or A03. I got on here to update some covers when I saw my messages were gone. Why did they take them away? 


So I haven't been active all that much on here, I mainly post my works on A03 and Tumblr under "Callsign-Denmark". I still try to keep up with everything on here when I can, but please check out my A03 and Tumblr for more content, moldboards, wallpapers, and edits for my works. 
          Also if people my have forgotten I started out on here as @ JaneSpirit then had many names between that. My "pen name" is still JaneSpirit, but my "@" is now Callsign-Denmark on all my posting platforms. Thanks for follows, likes and shares ❤️


How has everyone been? I'm still alive (barley I'm sick as hell) and I haven't been on here much to update. Well I haven't wrote much in a while either honestly. But!!!! I am working on 3 stories to update so hopefully soon I'll have new chapters out. Fingers crossed! Is everyone getting ready for the holidays and the new year?