
          	I bet even I know more about doctor who than she does :P
          	Doctor Who is pretty cool though, sara, admit it :P
          	The Big Bang Theory just can't to sci-fi the same way :))
          	Devon :) x


          haha, we need to try your Doctor Who quiz :')
          @CrazyGurlll that thing isn't scary!! :D Devon was laughing throughout the whole of it; there's just that one bit that makes you think "what the hell...?" :D
          @IdioticBrainsAlert99 lol haha and you called her a booger... ;)
          it looks funny without the h at the end :))
          @ZaraZMalik I LOVE ICE CREAM! :D
          And haha it's my art work; it's all based on fashion and so forth :))
          @Just_Sherlock He watches the big bang theory; everybody watches that :))
          Neddy begs to differ; she thinks Doctor Who is better :P
          KJ xxxxxxxxxxxxx