
Finally my exams came to an end. I can move from my hostel and finally go back to my home. It will take 2 days to pack all stuff and travel. Then I will get busy with my family for 2 - 3 days. I will post regularly from Monday. No promises since it takes alot of time to write but if not everyday but in every 2 or 3 days I will try posting. ❤️
          	And yeah my exams went well. Better than I expected. 


Finally my exams came to an end. I can move from my hostel and finally go back to my home. It will take 2 days to pack all stuff and travel. Then I will get busy with my family for 2 - 3 days. I will post regularly from Monday. No promises since it takes alot of time to write but if not everyday but in every 2 or 3 days I will try posting. ❤️
          And yeah my exams went well. Better than I expected. 


What if the earth explodes on Valentine’s Day one day?


@BlueBearyTea same. I am Hindu too. I actually don't have a bisexual friend but I know someone from my college.


@CaStMoAr Yeah, but since I’m Hindu I can support lgbtq. My friend is Muslim, she told me she can’t support but she can respect. We’re in a friend group, which I have another friend who is bisexual :>


@BlueBearyTea oh like that. We are kind of saying the same thing. Here in India too except in Kerala it has not been made legal ig for the last time I knew. I am not a muslim so I don't much idea about it but yeah how much I know they are very strict about these stuff.


I am bored and I have nothing to do and i can’t sleep bc i slept for most of the day -_-


@BlueBearyMoa everyone has the same fcking problem ig


I have so many book ideas currently. Should I post them? But if I post them all together then the updates of the book if seen individually might become less. But, then my idea might vanish. What should I do? 


@CaStMoAr if you want‍♀️


@BlueBearyMoa it is not about easier. I will put those in drafts and post after I make 5 episodes at least. I will also fix a day to post so that it isn't a problem. What do you think?


@CaStMoAr write your ideas on a book or paper. Then you can decide which is easier