
Reader question:
          	If I could only work on one story right now, which one?  Legacy or Merida?  Any input is greatly appreciated.  Thanks!


Free proofreading!
          You heard me right!  I will proofread one of your chapters for free.  Must be under 2,000 words.  Feel free to share with others who did not receive this message.  Private message me for details.  Please, nothing rated M.


I Propose a Leave-A-Comment Weekend!
          Let’s show some love by leaving a comment or two on the things you read this weekend.  Let’s support the writers we follow by showing we really are reading their work.  Positive or at least constructive.  This isn’t Troll Weekend! 


          I just posted a short story in two parts that I wrote 20 years ago while in college.  Does it make me feel old saying that?  Yes.  But nevertheless, here it is after some tweaks.   It's got a Beatles twist, if that helps.  ;) If you could, leave me a comment and let me know what you think.  It would be much appreciated!  
          Thanks and have a great day!