
I am still hard at work on the next book in the Down Deep Series. Just started a new job that is very demanding so the chapters may not be coming out as fast. I am still working on it daily so please be patient with me. Thanks for all the support.


I am still hard at work on the next book in the Down Deep Series. Just started a new job that is very demanding so the chapters may not be coming out as fast. I am still working on it daily so please be patient with me. Thanks for all the support.


As a special treat, I plan to add a new player to my latest work. They will be named after my biggest supporter on wattpad and thrown into: The Down Deep: The Lost Child. This person's name will appear mid book. Just to warn you, I have never claimed to be kind to my characters.


Okay, I know it has been a while since I posted anything. I have been working on a new project. The second book to the down deep series. I will be posting a few chapters today just to test the waters. As per my usual warning, it is a rough unedited version. Enjoy and please leave me some feed back. I do listen to your advice and suggestions.


Now that my Long Road Home books are all done, I am going back and starting the editing process. Word of warning to anyone using the dragon speak program, It really messes up some of the words if you have a NY accent. : )


(((Hugs C.J.))) sorry for the lost of your father, and grandmother. I know having depression is hard as it is very hard on your health. I lost both parents, and two brothers. There is only my two sisters, and myself left in our family. But my depression hit rock bottom when my first husband wanted out of our marriage so he could be with his girlfriend. My depression got worse, and I couldn't take it any longer. I cry out to our Lord and ask him to take it from  me. After that I got better, and never fallen back into being depress. I hope, and pray that my comment will help you.


@WillowRaintree  Thank you for your kind words.  I have faced some truly horrible things over the years. What I have taken from that is life sucks, but you have to keep moving forward. Each step forward is hard, but over time grows much easier and you find happiness again. When you do, hang onto it with all that you have and when you start to feel yourself slipping back again, just remember that thing that brought you joy and make yourself smile. Before you know it, the smile will be real, followed by laughter and more joy. (((Hugs and Kisses)))


I apologize to my loyal readers for taking so long to return to writing. Since I lost my Father and Grandmother, it seems like we have had nothing but bad luck in my life. The series of terrible events over the last year has stolen my will to write. I am fighting to get through the depression and trying hard to finish up the books I have posted so far. The Down Deeps final chapters are now available for all to read. There is a second book in the works and I will publish it as I work it. Thank you to all of you for your support and kind comments on my work.


When the dragon flu had come, it washed over the world killing most of the people of Terra. In an attempt to save their people, the government took them deep into the underground to a city constructed for emergencies. Twelve hundred and twenty one years later, the city was massive and thriving. Grant had a good job, comfortable home, and life in general offered little to complain about. After being ripped from his bed in the early morning by the city watch one morning, Grant found himself labeled as a trader and thrown down into the mines with mutants and criminals. Half mutant and half Terren, Zdana survived being crippled by the Capital City Council. Live in the mines was an everyday struggle. Starvation, fog, mine collapse were only a few of the things her people faced every day. When Grant came into the mines, he brought with him something Zdana had been seeking. A clue they may lead to all of their freedom. All they had to do, was keep it hidden from the city watch, and the Council.


The Long Road Home series was picked up by a publishing house last month. It will only be free to view until the end of Jan. Then I have to take it down or risk my new contract. It will be available on amazon Feb. 25th 2017. Happy new years all! I will be kicking off the new year with the launch of a new book called Down Deep which I will be posting parts of today. Thank you for all of your support.


I will not be writing anything for a while. Lost both my father and my grandmother who I was very close to. Both within thirty days of each other. Have not been able to write anything since. Tried, failed, moving on. Just going to take a few months off. Sorry.


Okay, now that I have posted all three books of the Long Road Home, it is time to start editing. I will apologize in advance for any spam emails my followers may get, and for the 60 plus emails you got when I posted the last two books. Love you guys! Thanks for reading!