Hi! I know I owe you all an update, so I wanted to share a bit about why I haven't been updating as much since the beginning of Operation Seahorse. 
          	The first reason I haven't been updating is because I haven't had as much time to write, since I'm currently doing school online. I have a very busy schedule right now, so trying to fit in my writing is harder.
          	Second, I don't have as much inspiration for this book/these chapters as I did for The Last Year, mostly because I don't really know where I'm going with this book. I have a few ideas, but let me know your suggestions. 
          	So, all that taken into account, I have decided to put Operation Seahorse on hold. This means I won't update for a couple weeks/months. By doing this, I will feel less pressure to write everyday instead of doing other equally important things. This will also give me time to think of a plot for my novel. Although I won't take down the book, I will add on hold to the title so that everyone knows it is on hold.
          	During the period in which I take a break, I may also do some side writing, which I will try to publish if it's good. I have about a million novel plots buzzing around my brain right now, so it will be good to write them down.


Hi! I know I owe you all an update, so I wanted to share a bit about why I haven't been updating as much since the beginning of Operation Seahorse. 
          The first reason I haven't been updating is because I haven't had as much time to write, since I'm currently doing school online. I have a very busy schedule right now, so trying to fit in my writing is harder.
          Second, I don't have as much inspiration for this book/these chapters as I did for The Last Year, mostly because I don't really know where I'm going with this book. I have a few ideas, but let me know your suggestions. 
          So, all that taken into account, I have decided to put Operation Seahorse on hold. This means I won't update for a couple weeks/months. By doing this, I will feel less pressure to write everyday instead of doing other equally important things. This will also give me time to think of a plot for my novel. Although I won't take down the book, I will add on hold to the title so that everyone knows it is on hold.
          During the period in which I take a break, I may also do some side writing, which I will try to publish if it's good. I have about a million novel plots buzzing around my brain right now, so it will be good to write them down.


~OP SEA update!~
           I know I haven't updated, and that is because I'm trying to make the next chapter really accurate and hopefully you guys will like it!
          OP SEA is one of the hardest things I've ever written, so the chapter will probably take longer to finish. I've been getting my parents to read the chapters to make sure the characters act 23. Anyways, I really hope you are having a wonderful week!
          As for an estimated publishing date for chapter two, I would say end of Friday? 
          Thanks everyone!


Awesome can’t wait


Hey guys, so I'm having trouble naming the sequel for TLY. 
          So, I'm holding a vote!
          Option 1- Operation Seahorse (you have to read the book to understand this one.)
          Option 2- The Reunion (soooo original, I know)
          Option 3- Reunion
          Option 4- Ten Years Later 
          Option 5- Other (please let me know what your idea is.)
          Pleas reply and let me know which is your fav!