Hi guys! Sorry about the very, VERY long wait for the next chapter of The Last Dragon. I've been struggling a lot with the storyline, character development... etcetera. Hopefully it will be out soon! 


Um, where is the first chapter if this is the second???


Thanks both of you! I find this website very hard to navigate but with your directions I finally found Chapter 1, Sky, and remembered reading it. Now I'm really anxious for Chapter 3 to see what happens to these two sympathetic characters, Sky and Amir... on opposite sides of the war !


@LindaFink9 The first chapter is called "Sky".  If you click on the big down arrow where it says "The Last Dragon" on the upper left side, it will show you the table of contents.


            Uh..... it should be there. I think if you go up to the top left where it has a tiny picture of my cover and click on it, it should give you all the chapters so you can click on "Sky"


Hi guys! Sorry about the very, VERY long wait for the next chapter of The Last Dragon. I've been struggling a lot with the storyline, character development... etcetera. Hopefully it will be out soon! 