
(add on to the previous)
          	[1/1. Kat gets their own category]
          	"It's your cat, Kat! It seems to like the drawing tablet."
          	(in the game) It/its
          	(kat's actual pronouns) They/them
          	For an april fools update, I plan on giving Kat a specific dialogue, but otherwise the only interaction you can have with it is petting it, which in response you'll get a meow (which will be voiced by the not so lovey(/j) Kat themself).
          	Kat will be featured sitting on top of a drawing tablet.
          	my stinky co-dev wanted a spot in the game. thats why its there
          	we're really mean to each other its just our platonic love language okay
          	im nice sometimes
          	By finding a yarn ball, you acquire a new interaction - you can throw it, and Kat will follow, leaving the drawing tablet until the game is reloaded.
          	You can then interact with the drawing tablet, giving you a specific description. yeah thats it
          	"It seems to be full of pixel art. I wonder who drew this?"
          	kat does pixel art. thats all its referencing to. 
          	yes this implies that the actual cat can draw.
          	kat also convinced me to make the game a pixel game 
          	theyre stinky i hate them (complete joke theyre actually a really amazing person that i enjoy being friends with)




@EnderEye587 pretty decent! i was just about to write smth cause i forgot


(add on to the previous)
          [1/1. Kat gets their own category]
          "It's your cat, Kat! It seems to like the drawing tablet."
          (in the game) It/its
          (kat's actual pronouns) They/them
          For an april fools update, I plan on giving Kat a specific dialogue, but otherwise the only interaction you can have with it is petting it, which in response you'll get a meow (which will be voiced by the not so lovey(/j) Kat themself).
          Kat will be featured sitting on top of a drawing tablet.
          my stinky co-dev wanted a spot in the game. thats why its there
          we're really mean to each other its just our platonic love language okay
          im nice sometimes
          By finding a yarn ball, you acquire a new interaction - you can throw it, and Kat will follow, leaving the drawing tablet until the game is reloaded.
          You can then interact with the drawing tablet, giving you a specific description. yeah thats it
          "It seems to be full of pixel art. I wonder who drew this?"
          kat does pixel art. thats all its referencing to. 
          yes this implies that the actual cat can draw.
          kat also convinced me to make the game a pixel game 
          theyre stinky i hate them (complete joke theyre actually a really amazing person that i enjoy being friends with)


this message may be offensive
I decided how I'm going to do this.
          A randomly selected item and character will be chosen daily, and posts about corruption weekly.
          Updates will still be random, however and may not appear for a while. I still have a lot of lore to work on and I need to talk with my co-dev smh
          Randomly selected character today isss..
          "A kind-spirited being who rather enjoys small talk."
          Abasi may sound familiar to some of you. 
          He was my first fursona! I decided to add him to the game as a side character.
          As of now, he won't be having much lore or dialogue, probably only appearing a couple times.
          However he's one of the first lore unlocks you'll get.
          He also falls into the category of the rulers! Being one of the three that was born with a gem embedded in his fur. He happens to have a little orange diamond gem right on his forehead. He embodies inner peace and runs a decently sized kingdom.
          His embodiment is rather ironic as you'll find out later.
          Now, for the randomly selected item
          Yarn ball 
          "A red ball of yarn. I wonder if it could be used to lure Kat away from the drawing tablet?"
          (The color is going to change lmao red is just a placeholder until this dumbass responds)
          This is probably one of the most boring items I could've spun for. It's. It's a ball of yarn.
          You use it to lure a cat away from a tablet for an easter egg.
          Though I suppose I could give some info about Kat the cat! Kat is my co-dev, and I wanted to give them a spot in the game. There'll also be a specific screenshot of them later on.
          So, consider this a two in one.
          I can't fit it all in one post though so uhh.. one sec


since i said i would be back -  
          anyone remember ScFT? no? too bad.
          unfortunately it will no longer be a book series or animated series.
          It's gonna be a game>:]
          I'll be writing and posting information about a couple different topics (hopefully daily, maybe weekly. it depends on how quickly i lose motivation)
          The topics aree;
          and updates.
          Each post will also come with a random fun fact about features or easter eggs that'll be in the game:]
          I'll hopefully be posting one later today.


@I_am_a_dude well, dont feel too bad! it'll probably be a while before i can get time and trusted resources to actually start programming things. plus i still have plenty to work out 
            so uh.. yeah itll be a while. like a while ehehe


@Bug_Named_FISH :00 I don’t have steam atm sadly, but I’ve been looking into getting it sometime. I have a crappy laptop though, so I prob won’t bother til I get a good one lool


add on to the previous announcement,
          I also might start posting art again! ive improved quite a lot.
          its.. mostly regretevator and phighting art though
          and ocs!
          ScFT or, Stars can Fall Too is still alive!!! new characters tho


@I_am_a_dude Agh sorry for not responding
            I definitely will!! my current pfp is actually one of the characters - his name is Tempest
            All of the characters have been replaced by newer ones, but it has relatively the same plot in aspects of there being a corruption and eventual apocalypse.
            However, Nebula may make an appearance:]
            I'm planning on making him a deity, alongside three of my newer OC's - Kandy(more commonly known in the series as The Angel Alchemist), Moth, and Tempest
            I may upload the thing I wrote for Tempest and Moth's dynamic.
            It might be renamed though. I haven't decided on a new name yet, but there's one I've been debating.


            I wasnt completely caught up on it, I was super busy so I was planning to binge the series LOL 
            Also I’m glad you’re well <4


so um. im alive guys dw
          anyone remember my gender identity crisis's?
          so uh we eventually landed on transmasc and pansexual
          he/they/it pronouns are all good!
          that almost feels weird to say ahah. ive used they/them and she/her for so long
          i might start writing here again? i have a couple oneshot things posted on ao3 for phighting but thats it
          anyways hihi its nice being back!!:3


hii FISH :DD just wanted to check in on ya, its been a while lol
          I've been doing.. oddly well? I mean, pretty normal life, but nothing too overly sucky has happened as of recently if you know what I mean XD
          Fun fact: I have CHICKENS NOW omg I love them so much, there's one named Stella who cant shut up, our "disabled" one with an amputated leg(she lives a great quality of life, don't worry!), Celeste, and 29 others that I wont care to name unless you'd like me to lol
          Again, I hope you've been well! Wish me luck on writing.. I'm writing a onshot right now, I believe its at 9k or 10k words but its at its climax right now, meaning I'm about 2/3 done.... goodness, writing takes ages but I enjoy it a lot XD
          Also, I joined an art competition, and got a first place, second place, and third place drawing! Meaning all of my pieces got a rank! And to put that to scale, each category I entered had 100+ other people all of my age or a few years older.
          Feel free to not reply to this either... LOL. Just thought of you earlier, figured I'd write <3


EEEEEE I’m so glad you found someone like that! I truly hope yall stay together
            I see from your pfp that your art has improved a LOADD, that looks so good, like WHAT?!?! Loll
            I got to 10.2k words last night when I was writing XD It was at 9.3k when I started. I’m hoping to finish the oneshot soon—I started it a few months ago, but had given up on it once and just recently picked it back up. 
            Hope you have a great rest of your day! I’m busy for the whole week ;-;


@I_am_a_dude oh my gosh, hi blue!
            I wish you luck on the writing, 10k is a lot XD
            And I'm glad to hear abt the art competition and the chickens!!
            As for me, nothing too interesting has happened. Some new art, writing, I'm learning German, and I have a girlfriend now!
            So I suppose that's something interesting, actually.
            I've been with her a few months already. Never thought I'd be with her, but im happy that I am.
            And of course I'm gonna reply to one of my favorite people. I too think about you from time to time :]


Buggggggggg guess what


@Bug_Named_FISH :0
            Congratulations to the both of us hehe


@EnderEye587 oh my gosh!! Yay!!
            Sorry that took me forever- 
            I also have an s/o now :D


I got
            A gf 
            And she’s adorable




@EnderEye587 I am! I'm back. Hopefully for good this time.