
Bro why did no one tell me there was such a thing as depression 2.0?
          	Like I don't understand how I can feel worse then I normally do either though nothing is going wrong at all, and I'm taking my meds.
          	Someone please explain this to me cause it just don't make no sense.
          	Quarantine didn't even hit me this hard man like what the heck. Someone send me some help- please- I kinda need it..


Bro why did no one tell me there was such a thing as depression 2.0?
          Like I don't understand how I can feel worse then I normally do either though nothing is going wrong at all, and I'm taking my meds.
          Someone please explain this to me cause it just don't make no sense.
          Quarantine didn't even hit me this hard man like what the heck. Someone send me some help- please- I kinda need it..


mesaj potențial jignitor
Not like many will care about this post but I just needed to get this off my chest somewhere...
          You ever just feel like complete shit because you are going to be busy doing something.... well a family member is about to pass away?
          My great grandfather if incredibly ill... and it's not expected that he'll survive the weekend...
          The problem though is that I work the week end in the super early morning and I'll be asleep during the day so.... it is highly likely I'll be active when it happens...and I just feel like complete shit about that... he's family... and I want to find out as soon as possible when it happens... yet I likely won't be able to at all...
          So yeah... I'm going to go cry in my box corner and just keep to myself till sometime tomorrow... 


You ever just want to give up and stop trying cause life is too hard? Like you know you're loved by your family and those you're dating and are friends with but... You just feel like they don't care at the same time and want to quit? Not to mention you're so stuck in the rut that you don't want to leave your bed or you're extremely aggressive with others and yourself but no one seems to notice or care, and when they do notice they just say you're being moody? Cause that's how my life has been so far lately and it's really taking a huge strain on me mentally. Not to mention I have work too so I can't just stay home and cry cause if I do then I'd get fired and then my mom would be mad at me... Making it 100x worse then how it already is. Like... I'm trying... But you guys (my family) aren't even helping me in the least bit possible and now I just want to give up and cry...
          Idk... Sorry for being annoying... I just wanted to rant and cry a bit about how I've been feeling in the last week... It's kinda my fault I feel this way though cause I stopped taking my pills months back but like... They didn't help anyways... They just made me numb is all...


Writing Alert!
          So I've decided to get back to my writing as I use to.
          That being said there are going to be quite a few changes made.
          For a while now I've had quite a few story ideas I've wanted to write for some time now but I really want to work on my Bts story as well.
          So I am planning on a schedule for my writing.
          I am dead set on writing my Bts story and finishing it before the end of the year so the schedule for that will be set for a update every two weeks on Tuesday with occasional Sunday updates if I'm focusing hard on the plot.
          I also plan to write starter chapters for the many stories I want to write and posting a new story once a week on Mondays.


To all 98 followers of mine-
          I want to wish you all a Happy New Year ^^
          I would tell you all your fortunes for the new year but unfortunately I don't have 2020 vision 
          Yeah I'm cheesy but I'm also winey
          Lol you guys love me 
          A̶t̶ l̶e̶a̶s̶t̶ I̶ h̶o̶p̶e̶ y̶o̶u̶ d̶o̶ ;-;
          Anyways, happy new year everyone and I wish the very nest for all of you! ^^
          Also- for those that have read my work and wondering what is planned for it here's a forewarning
          I'll probably be posting later today a schedule for me as well on what I plan to do with my writing this year, potential new posts and the schedule for it all so please look forward to that as well but do know that I am planning to start up on my writing once more ^^