
WISHBONE II Coming in fall 2012


Wanna Win? Read the book...Join the Contest!
          The Winner receives...
          *A silver wishbone necklace which comes in a velvet pouch.
          *Is invited to take part in the beta-readers group for WISHBONE II for an advanced reading and participation in the behind-the-scenes process of the book & screen adaption. 
          *A Signed paperback Copy of WISHBONE.
          *A Collectible signed Postcard.
          *A character named after you in WB II. 
          How to enter:


"Wishbone" is a multi-layered thriller incorporating several sub-plots; in the vein of Pet Sematary, What Lies Beneath, Misery and Stir of Echoes. Dramatic horror at its best, Brooklyn Hudson takes you on a suspenseful roller coaster ride of emotional turmoil and shocking events. ~JJ Kohler
          (Special Edition includes scenes from the screen adaption)