
Hello, my dear readers. How are you all doing? Take care of yourself!
          	I haven't posted anything in a long, long while. But I'm really sad and sorry to announce that my book "Your Passion Sets My Heart Ablaze" is going to be in a temporary Hiatus. 
          	Currently, I have a lot of stuff to do concerning school, and I barely have a room to breathe. I appreciate all the nice comments and messages you've sent me about my book. It really means a lot! 
          	But don't worry. As soon as the problems stop coming my way, I am planning on continuing the book. After all, I did promise to finish it.
          	That's all for the meantime. Remember to eat and drink water, wear masks where necessary, and keep your loved ones and yourselves safe!
          	Have a nice day/evening/night!


Just taking it on you don't stress yourself out too much and make sure you stay happy and keep a smile on your face everyday have a nice day Morning Noon tonight when you see this and I hope to see you again soon


Hello, my dear readers. How are you all doing? Take care of yourself!
          I haven't posted anything in a long, long while. But I'm really sad and sorry to announce that my book "Your Passion Sets My Heart Ablaze" is going to be in a temporary Hiatus. 
          Currently, I have a lot of stuff to do concerning school, and I barely have a room to breathe. I appreciate all the nice comments and messages you've sent me about my book. It really means a lot! 
          But don't worry. As soon as the problems stop coming my way, I am planning on continuing the book. After all, I did promise to finish it.
          That's all for the meantime. Remember to eat and drink water, wear masks where necessary, and keep your loved ones and yourselves safe!
          Have a nice day/evening/night!


          first things first, hello! how are y'all doing? you better be taking care of yourself!
          the new year of school hasn't officially begun yet and I'm already stressed out. nOiCe
          this means that the chapters will take even longer to be posted, which is just sad :(
          I'm really sorry for the wait, but please understand that I also have life outside Wattpad. Thank you.
          that's all for now, so yeah. remember to take care of yourself! i will try to add as many chapters as i can, holy guacamole.
          have a nice day/evening/night!!!


@BrambleDawn you also better be taking care of yourself too drink water and get enough sleep ♡


@BrambleDawn It's okay, take your time!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥


          Howdy, y'all. How's it goin'?
          AnYwAyS, new chapter tomorrow!
          well, more like today bit later (it's 1 am for me)... nevermind
          just wanted to let you guys know, cause you deserve it <3
          THAT MEANS A LOT!!!!1!1!!1
          Have a good morning/day/evening/night!


@ EnergeticWriter2020  hi :)
            sorry for not answering sooner :/


i already am behind the update schedule for my book, but — DaMn — i just had to get sick didn't i???
          it's nothing serious, just a migraine and slightly raised temperature, all in all im fine (and lucky enough to het my hands on my phone, lmao).
          thanks god, im feeling better than yesterday but sTiLl... ughhh
          remember to take a proper care about yourself and do not follow in my step, don't bring the discomfort upon you¡
          have a nice morning/day/evening/night!


Okay, okay, OkAy, OKAY—
          I am really sorry for not updating sooner, I know that giving you guys reasons and asking you to wait for an update makes me look like an a$$hole. But, pls, listen.
          There are some changes that are happening in my life that I can't ignore. There are a couple of family issues that occurred recently and some of them are involving my future education. The only days I can take a break are Saturday and Sunday, which are also the only days that I can write my Vitaly x Reader story. 
          Thankfully, my grandpa is a very supportive man who understands and is willing to help through morally, which I appreciate dearly. So don't worry, I'm not dying nor am I planning to (you can't get rid of me that easily). Just exhausted and tired 24/7.
          I can assure you, though, that the story will be completed. When or how, I have 0 ideas. But the only thing I can promise is that it will be done at some point.
          Thank you all for being supportive and patient with me, seeing all those comments you leave under my story makes me so happy, and I'm also happy that you enjoy what I'm doing.
          Have a nice day/evening/night!


@ GrievousFangirl  as a kid I was literally in love with the show, always dragging my brother along so that the two of us can watch it. Now, well, since I am older I don't really watch it anymore but still remember a few series that I found really interesting as a kiddo. 


Heyy guys,,
          How are u doing?
          I am r e a l l y soory for being inactive for 2 weeks and not updating on my story. Our internet connection is failing (again) and I'm drowning in my homework,
          im sorry
          I will probably update this weekend, but I can't promise anything,,
          Have a nice day/night!