
this message may be offensive
Hi hello yes I just cried to 2 of your stories, the Yuji and Armin one, your writing is so fucking amazing and beautiful oh my god, I'm not one for angst and I certainly wasn't expecting angst from the books but hey, I won't complain.
          Even thought I shed many tears, I ended up just laughing it over because it's nice to cry every now and then and especially when it's to amazing books like yours.
          Idrk what I'm trying to say here but I just wanna say anything, Anyways, that's it, Maybe I'm over reacting and I didn't need to star all your chapters and write this whole paragraph but it's 3 a.m so maybe its the sleepiness catching up to me.
          Okay now fr I'm done, keep making us readers cry please and thank you, have a good week and bye!


@thickthighsplease it's fine, I'm glad you enjoyed them although they were quite sad. and it's quite alright for the paragraph. and thank you for this. 


@thickthighsplease oh my god I really didn't need to say all that