
Hello everybody! I hope you are having an amazing pride month so far! My testing has ended finally and I can try to get Wattpad to post my chapter again!


crying in the corner rn bc wattpad isn't posting the 2 chapter and i got math fuckin math finals on monday


@Aquariuser02 omg ty so much, i've been stressed all day <3


You got this! 


Hello, everyone! I recoved from the flu, then my mental health suddenly deteriorated so much to the point that I had to go to the hospital, and now I'm diagnosed w/ anxiety
          But, I feel so much better after getting treatment, so prepare for 5 new chapters during the next 5 days! :>


Sorry that I haven’t been very active this month for the past few weeks I’ve been having terrible hip muscle cramps and I just got my booster shot. I’m not going to update any more this month but expect some new chapters next month! <3


Hello, if you have been reading my most recent book, House of Cards, you might have noticed that in the introduction chapter I specifically wrote Scorpio's pronouns as they/them, but wrote them using she/her pronouns. I want to address that and then changed it, thank you @inuooo0_ for telling me this, I hope an incident like this won't happen in the future.


@Bored_Musician you’re welcome 