
Hello!! I've officially created an Ao3 account!! What works should I upload on there? I know many have asked me about that platform.


I haven't posted anything yet, though


Hello!! I've officially created an Ao3 account!! What works should I upload on there? I know many have asked me about that platform.


I haven't posted anything yet, though


Everyone! As of now, I will no longer be replying to any requests UNLESS they are asked for IN THE REQUESTS PAGE and follow my provided guidelines. 
          You will make my life a lot easier by commenting on my request page. That way, all requests are listed in the same file, and I don't have to search throughout my list of notifications. It also makes it easier for me to go back and read what it is you've asked for. 
          I thank you in advance.
          ♥︎ Author




@skulumi I have a request page on the first chapter of the book! You can send it there, thank you for asking!


Where can i send you the request?


I love the new chapter of the little space oneshots, can you do another one of JJ please 


          Today was really eye-opening for me, and it's not good. I'm gonna be so lonely next year, I'm only a sophomore, and all my friends are graduating cause they're seniors. My boyfriend is graduating, and it's not fun cause he's leaving for college, and I'll probably never see him again. I mean, I knew that high school relationships didn't last, but still, he was an angel to me, and really helped me when I came to high school for the first time, and now he's gone. I'm as old as he was when I first met him, and I'm gonna be as old as him soon, on my own, in college, and then at work, and then raise the kids and ughhh. I don't wanna grow up. Can't we stay teenagers forever?


Hey everyone, I just got onto Wattpad right now, and guess what? My Hinata fanfic is gone!! I'm so mad right now, I had like 12 chapters already written. Anyways, I'll do NY best to rewrite it, but I won't be posting it until a few months.


@Pr3ttyK1ller_1 Okay, I'll do that, thank you!!


@Pr3ttyK1ller_1 Yeah Wattpad have been going on a mass book removal spree. Once you rewrite i would recommend copying and pasting the chapters into a notes app along with your other books. I unpublished my books as i didn't want to risk more of my books to be removed 


Hello there! 
          As you may have noticed, many of my works have been taken down. Do not worry. They will be back up, I'm simply rewriting and looking them over. 
          As of now, I will be posting the random fandom littlespace oneshot Wednesday starting next week.  And for my Haikyuu book: The Tears Hidden Behind the Brightly Worn Smile, new chapters will be updated every other Thursday starting tonight.
          I plan on editing this schedule come July, I will be bringing back another of my currently drafted books then.
          Thank you for being patient.
          Author <3