
Hey lovlies! catch up with the latest chapter of @hatawaytracy 's Spin-ff of my book (The big, big BANG!) This chapter is kind of a prelouge to my third chapter!!!  Go and give her a try she's really talented!


Yoooo love bugs! 
          Hope you all doin' fine. I just got you some pretty exciting news! Eeeek. As you may already noticed I started a new story (The big‚ big BANG!) and my dear friend @hatawaytracy just said that sje would be pleased to write a spin-off about it. So gooo and check out my loves her book it's called "What really happened in Amsterdam?" (it's focusing on Vanillia and Vendel's realtionship)  and comment and vote on both stories!
          Oh and don't forget the two story will stand alone but ut will make more sense if you read both! #justsayin
          Love Nora xxx


Hey lovlies this message goes out to all those who already voted on my Pscar fanfic. OMG! I love you guys so so so so much and I'm writing the first chapter I hope it will go up this weekend or a bit earlier anyway thanks to those who wait ^.^ love u all :* 
          peace out No (^₩^)