
Hello dear followers,
          	To those that follow me from the Star Wars reactions books of @hercega I must apologize for the delay in the last book. I’ve had lots of stuff happened, such as a family member dying and other emergencies that have happened. Also I’ve been busy with my final year of high school and I have not had the chance to finish the reactions. They are almost done and I ask for forgiveness and  I appreciate your patient with me and the author.


Hello dear followers,
          To those that follow me from the Star Wars reactions books of @hercega I must apologize for the delay in the last book. I’ve had lots of stuff happened, such as a family member dying and other emergencies that have happened. Also I’ve been busy with my final year of high school and I have not had the chance to finish the reactions. They are almost done and I ask for forgiveness and  I appreciate your patient with me and the author.


Thank you for voting on my story Star Wars Balance of the Force. I hope you're enjoying it. If you like my style check out my other books. Thanks again really appreciated. Beth


@Booklover-allday glad you enjoyed it. I wrote this one last year before the trailer dropped. Currently writing a new one based on the trailers and leaks.


Ya your story was amazing I was fan girling so hard, keep up the good work and I’ll be sure to check out your other stories.