
Oh my, I forgot to remind everyone to STREAM MY UNIVERSE BY COLDPLAY X BTS NOW ON YOTUBE! ;)


I’ve mtled 2 novels these past 3 days and my reading capability of machine translated novels have increased. Wrong grammar stories got nothing on absolutely confusing words on mtl. I mean we’re on a serious reading track and the machine translates something like dogclaws like some kind of secret nickname! T-T


Ah QingQing! My pitiful QingQing! Misunderstandings and shitty parents have ruined your life! PITIFUL PRINCESSES CAN SHUT WITH THEIR SAD CRIES CAUSE THEY GOT NOTHING WITH WHAT YOU WENT THROUGH! Ah I’m happy Fu Heng really thought back to his mistakes and they could start over with a divorce! Ah I’m happy they got married again and smoothen out the grievances of the past…
          Though I really hoped they could have had another child to care for them in their old age but a happy retired life together is fine anyway. She was already in her 40’s, sickly and her husband ligated himself cause he cared. They have grandchildren anyway so I’ll just silently be happy and make myself their own happy lives~ ^^
          The parents were scums though, they don’t deserve it. Ah if only murder wasn’t a crime! T-T


I went to this particular post to read spoilers on the NU forum page and all I received was a long debate regarding how some of the author’s on wattpad creat cringeworthy books and the root of this is a person talking about how an author can blame on the innocent mother of the villainess or guilt trap sh*t and readers would rather pity the main lead of the specific book.
          Hard to understand but the point is, readers tend to side and sympathize with the main leads rather than the villain that might have not done anything wrong.
          Main lesson: ‘Root cause’


I finally found the missing part of the novel that I will make, who knew the only way to cure my writer’s block was to watch that drama with a lot of huge plot twist
          I’m not sure if I could finish it this year but I do know I now have a foundation for my novel, hehe~


I’ve never felt so torn with a novel until I met “Sinister Ex-Girlfriend”
          I’m stuck with the hope of the next chapter is the recent translation and I have to wait but then again I want more
          It’s like a sweet torture with comedy killing me and then suspense, me forgetting this is an arc story so it ain’t permanent and if they die then it’s not a problem
          I feel so sucked in LOL hahahah I’m so torn and to add to my death, the notes from the translators are killing meh!
          Thank you ISO translations especially Blu, Teh, Samui and others who might’ve helped~


When I told myself I’d stay active here, I knew from the start it wasn’t possible AH!
          How could I only look at you when mangadex, NU, Twit, online classes and vids kept seducing meh?!
          Hahahahahha! I don’t think that book finishing is possible~