
I’m gonna take a little break on publishing for a while. I still have some ideas cooking up in my brain, but I don’t fully know how to work them out. I’ll start publishing again once I graduate :)


I finally got ideas again and updated Sussy Secrets! You’ll be able to see 3 new entries. I’m sorry it took a while to make another update. I’ve been dealing with writer’s block, school, and a lot of other stuff. I plan on taking a gap year when I graduate, so I’ll try to fully get back on schedule around that time. However I will make little to no updates to Sussy Secrets if we are in arc season in the SMG4 universe. I want to try to stick with the timeline the best I can. Anyways, I hope y’all enjoy the next 3 entries!


Alright, change of plans. After I post Entry 5 of "Sussy Secrets", I'm going to change the schedule of every update from every other day to once a week. I realized rather quickly that my ideas don't generate fast enough on the schedule I originally planned out. Sorry for that. I'll let y'all know if anything else changes. :)