
I will be unpublishing some of my stories, idk when/if they'll come back.


Ily <33


@0kk0tsu-s1mp ILY TOO HOMIE STAY SAFE <33 we haven’t talked in a long time, maybe we can do some domains together c:


not me going "oh, you're alive" after seeing you changed my name in your bio-
            Also, hello, alive person, have a good day, and thank you ^^


@-soprxnoisms hey! I hope you have a good day too :)) I’m starting to become a lot less active here than I used to be, but it’s always nice to come back occasionally.


Aww I just checked out your profile and you put me in there! That's so sweet of you, thank you so much! I do not have the space to afford to fit all the names of all the members in my bio because I talk a lot, haha
          It's a Lolbit Show


@ItsALolbitShow Ah it’s no problem, I can relate to that problem a ton XD wp should really increase their text limit—


Hey, I saw that you've watched some things from Studio Ghibli, and I was wondering... how did you like them? I mean, I watched Spirited Away and I was considering getting another Studio Ghibli anime when I could. Are they similar to Spirited Away?


@-soprxnoisms Ah I think they’re great! Ghibli movies give a really nice relaxing feel and they’re great for calming down. Yes the ones I’ve watched are similar to Spirited Away, but SA is a bit more on the intense side compared to the ones I’ve watched, just a little bit though. My personal fav is definitely Howl’s Moving Castle. :3


You, yes you! Come over here and take the love of Mr. Froggy! =3=


@teafullytamayo MR. FROGGYYYYY *takes the love before yeeting back some of my own love* <33