
whassup I’m alive :))


Hey guys, so tomorrow’s Independence Day, right?  well Independence Day is also my birthday.. so yeh,  (kinda regret making this now but whatever)


Your the first person too lol


Happy (late) birthday!


guys go follow my new admin account! it’s called starrclan and it’s just a super aesthetic account where i type in all lowercase. admin forms are new out so if you want a chance to join make sure to send a form!


(don’t worry any sploofs and actual writing pieces are spelt grammatically correct.)


Hey guys, just wanted to let y’all know that I’m a big fat liar. I’m not gonna be online as often as I used to be. I’m going to become active in my joint accounts, once again. I’m also going to join tons of games and may run a game or too of my own. I might even write another chapter of Silence (or a completely new, non warriors-related book). nvm, sounds like I’ll probably be online.
          So, sorry for being offline! How long has it been, months? So yeah, drop a comment if you read this (joint account owners [im so sorry]) and yeah, that’s about it!