
//AHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE! We’ve finally hit 1k on here and I’m eternally grateful for all your support through the good and bad times. This means so much and I can thank you all enough ❤️ And Happy Valentine’s Day too everyone! (Perfect day to reach a new milestone xD) 
          	Through my almost 2 years here I’ve met so many people and even got the inspiration to write my first official Bleach story Hopelessy Devoted to You and my Art book which is trash at first I must say but ay it gets better I promise xD (skip halfway through and you’ll see what I mean, or just start at the end xD) Do check out both my prides and joys if you haven’t already UwU (Also I’m posting some Bleach Valentine’s Day WIPs too in a few moments so do check them out :D)
          	HDTY update: Yeah I know it’s been awhile since I’ve updated T^T but that’s because we’re reaching the end of HDTY (Please do catch up if you’re not already) and I really REALLY want to make the final moments as spectacular as can be. I will Update this week! I will not break this promise to you and I want to thank you for your patience with me T^T
          	But anyways all, thank you for everything. For supporting me and Gin :D We couldn’t be here without you ❤️//
          	“Bye bye all, and I must say yer gratitude means a lot ta us. Oh, what’s this? It’s Valentine’s Day too? Well Happy Valentine’s Day~.” ❤️


@KagariYuki "Why thank you~."
          	  //Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <3//


@HarmonaZaraki //Aww thank you Harmona UwU and a very Happy Valentine's day to you <3 Hope you had a good one :D//