
Hey guys!
          	I'm alive! Haha, sorry I keep dropping off the face of the earth.... You would never believe the amount of crazy here, it's insane. But I've finished the first few chapters of my new story, and I'm planning on finishing Forever and Never very, very quickly. I'm not very inspired for that lately, I always seem to get that way near the end of a story. 
          	ANYWAY: you'll notice I uploaded a new story! Eek! Yep, it's up and I've got really great ideas for this one, let me know what you think. I'll probably upload the first chapter around Christmas/New Years. 
          	Well, that's all for now. Let me know what you think of my new story! 


Hey guys!
          I'm alive! Haha, sorry I keep dropping off the face of the earth.... You would never believe the amount of crazy here, it's insane. But I've finished the first few chapters of my new story, and I'm planning on finishing Forever and Never very, very quickly. I'm not very inspired for that lately, I always seem to get that way near the end of a story. 
          ANYWAY: you'll notice I uploaded a new story! Eek! Yep, it's up and I've got really great ideas for this one, let me know what you think. I'll probably upload the first chapter around Christmas/New Years. 
          Well, that's all for now. Let me know what you think of my new story! 


Ah guys! I've missed you!<3 I feel like I haven't been on here in years, so I wrote the revised version of F&N chapter 1. 
          Things are absolutely insane here - it's been really rough for me these last few years, and I can't wait to get a free hour or two and write a Blank Pages chapter or start my new story.
           I'm really losing interest in Forever and Never, and honestly even considering deleting it altogether. What do you think?
          Anyway, I miss you guys, and I really hope I can get back on here in a few weeks or so. 


Hey, all! Lisbet here(: Just wanted to keep you all updated - I left this morning for Aruba, where I'm having a vacation with my mom and my sister. It's absolutely stunning here, I love it so much! The only thing I don't like so much is that I don't have internet service:( So that means I can't update regularly until next Sunday, and even then it will continue being crazy. That's because I have tech week for my show and school starts on Wednesday. It's madness! It never stops, man.... Anyway, I hope you all have a fantastic end of the summer! Love you guys! Lisbet<3


Hey guys! So I've just updated Blank Pages(: The new chapter is called Until the Ink Dries, check it out and tell me what you think! I'm planning to update Forever and Never within the week, too, so look for that. Also, you can expect to see me working to get out at least an introduction to my new story - I'm having a big writing slump right now, so inspiration is hard to come by. I'm trying, though! Thanks so much for all of your support, guys, I couldn't do it without you(: Lisbet<3


Hey guys! Long time no talk, yeah? 
          I'm so sorry it's been so long - there's been so much happening with me that I just haven't had the time to write or talk, but I'm transitioning back! Sort of. 
          New chapter of Blank Pages! It's called Smoke Pencil. That story is just getting more and more real, it's crazy....
          I've started the new story - havent named it, haven't completed any chapters, but it's going! I'm really excited for this one(:<
          And last thing: I'm thinking about taking down Forever and Never, my fanfiction. I'm kinda questioning why I even put it up in the first place - it's not a great story, and its not speaking to me anymore. I don't know. What do you guys think?
          Last but not least: OMIGOD GUYS I LOVE YOU. Seriously. I have 22 fans (wut. WUT?!) and over a hundred votes on Blank Pages!! Really?! You're all so wonderful. I love you guys! 


Guys. Guys I love you so much. 
          Never in a million years would I imagine that anyone would actually enjoy reading my work, but you guys have shown me so much support - more than I would have ever imagined. Your support means the world to me, and I've almost got all this family drama cleared up, so I'll be back again soon, and updating as quickly as possible. 
          I'm so beyond words. I cannot possibly express how much your response means to me, especially with all that's been going on with me. Thank you. Thank you. Lisbet<3


Gosh, I feel like I haven't been here in forever! 
          Soory its been so long, guys - I'm going through a bit of a slump right now, not to mention a bunch of things that've been happening at home. Some are good, some not some good, but I've been really consumed in reality lately. Don't worry, I'll be back here soon enough, but I need to take a week or so off :"< I love you guys and all the support I've been getting here, I'm so excited to keep this momentum moving! I won't be gone for long and I'll still linger, so feel free to message and comment, and I'll still try to interact as much as I can. Love you! Lisbet<3