
Thank you for choosing my stories. I want to welcome you as a new Taekook Dreamer to my page. I hope you'll enjoy my books. They are each written to put you in a sweet dream that you never want to wake from while all of life’s concerns, pains, and troubles slip away as you read. Read and relax into fun with quirky characters, a bit of drama (not too much), love, heat, and a guaranteed  happy ending. Welcome Dreamer.


@PurplePassion2575 Honoured, hope we'll see more and more of amazing stories in future.


Thanks so much for all the stars for The Christmas Wish. I love these characters and it  was so much fun to write. I hope your are enjoying this book.


@PurplePassion2575 Sorry for the late reply, and thank you for encouraging me!!! Just know that the same applies to you too...


Thanks so much. I wnated to give them a good connection as brothers. I see you also write. I will check out your stories. I think it's important that we support each other. If there's anything I can help you with please let me know. Keep writing and your  followers with grow.


@PurplePassion2575 well, thank you, for giving us such an amazing story!!! I may not use more words but the story was really good, especially making me cry when Suga and V had their emotional phone call.