
Hello. Is anyone interested in beta-reading my fics? I accept opinions on anything. There are two fics and you can pick either one: a sapphic vampire fic or the superhero omegaverse fic. please let me know.


Hi everyone sorry to ask you here but I don't know where to ask this but I was reading a book name my family written by chocolate_0316, but for some reason I can't able to open the page of find the ID so if anyone know anything please tell me


The vampire story has come back. I know it was a long break but I'm trying to be more consistent with it. Ansa and Bassey are women now and they're more tense and toxic as ever. But don't worry, as more truths are revealed, honest intentions will come to light and things will get better for our resident couple... or they could get worse. Who knows?


FINALLY!!!! We've made it to the end of "Overheat". I feel like I've been writing this fic for forty years. I'm so glad. Thank you guys for your comments and your kind words. It truly kept me going and helped me with some plot points. This was fun.


@cookie5557 oh my god, thank you. i'm glad you enjoyed it. thank you so much for the kind words


@Bitacrytic congratulationsss. You did AMAZING job. It was so interesting to read thank you for your time❤️. You're an amazing author and tbh you're the reason why I redownloaded wattpad(saw you on tiktok). Never give up❤️


@Bitacrytic yes I am doing better


Just completed my second Nigerian bl novel. It's based on the story of the garden of Eden. But Lucifer/Adam.


@Bitacrytic omg ??? im so sorry i did not know this but I'll read it right away, love as always <3


            Hey hey. Nigeria doesn't have one language. There are atleast 500 languages so it will be impossible to write in one language and call it Nigerian.
            The story is written in English. It just takes place in Nigeria, with Nigerian characters. I am an Efik girl from Calabar and so my native tongue would be Efik. Not Nigerian. 
            So please.... come on over and read it. I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on it. You know I love your comments.