Ten Facts About Me:

Number One - I am in love with the show Once Upon a Time.

Number Two - I don't have perfect grammar, but that's why I have my best friend, Finette.

Number Three - I love animes and Korean dramas; if you ever need anyone to talk to about them, I am your girl; I am also looking for suggestions.

Number Four - I get very upset when I can't solve the riddles on the Gogurt packages.

Number Five - Romance is my strange addiction.

Number Six - I have a best friend who I treasure more than anything.

Number Seven - I have several hobbies; some are reading, singing, writing, eating, photography, Googling (yes, that is a hobby), watching random television shows, and hanging out with my best friend.

Number Eight - I have so much luck when it comes to games and the lottery; I have won $100,000, baby! I swear, if I go to Vegas, I shall get shot!

Number Nine - I have a strange addiction to Froot Loops.

Number Ten - My secret dream is to become a Broadway Actress.

I will have stories up here soon, but I am just getting started with the website.
  • Alone
  • JoinedJune 7, 2013


Story by Lythe Rose
The Princes by Birthrights
The Princes
In a fantasy world, the two countries of Sutton and Terren coexist on a lone island. The princes of this worl...
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