
You Are Nobody...
          	But yourself.
          	So make you.
          	So its okay to make mistakes.
          	So never be afraid. 
          	So never say its not possible. 
          	You Are Nobody 
          	And you don't have to be.


Why is it that when you talk to me you act as though you don't understand and which you could??? You are the closest thing I have ever had to me and yet I feel as though you don't realize it. I wish you understood this. I may carry more baggage but that just means that you get me more right??? Am I standing alone???


Let me be
          Let it be
          Either way its the same
          I am hollow
          But a crevasse in your mind
          I mean nothing
          And also to others
          I am a figment of my imagination
          Or am I real
          Its an impossible test
          One I must take
          And hope I do not fail.


I scream in my mind
          I hear nothing though
          I jump at you with my spirit
          But not my soul
          When will I truly come out
          I only do after school
          But I want you to see
          I don't like you
          Or don't I 
          I would know though
          If only I had  said that one word
          Even hollow as it would be
          It would have been enough
          Enough to stop you 
          Enough for me to get that final hug


Darkness follows me where ever I go.
          Proof of that is under me.
          My shadow holds my darkness.
          It's created by light.
          But is that good.
          For where ever light is there is dark which follows.
          there is no ultimate universe.
          Were trapped.
          But no one realizes that but me.