
Check out my 'About Me' section on my profile. It will explain a little more what's going on with this account and it will share a little more about me so that you guys feel like you know me better as an author of a book or books you are reading. If any part upsets you I apologize, but it shouldn't. Nothing will change with any of your books that you are reading and everything will stay the same. I just thought that it's about time that I shared a little more about myself than what is in the story's author notes. Thanks guys! I'll have another update for 'It's Not The End, It's Just the Beginning' by Monday hopefully. 
          	Love y'all <3


Check out my 'About Me' section on my profile. It will explain a little more what's going on with this account and it will share a little more about me so that you guys feel like you know me better as an author of a book or books you are reading. If any part upsets you I apologize, but it shouldn't. Nothing will change with any of your books that you are reading and everything will stay the same. I just thought that it's about time that I shared a little more about myself than what is in the story's author notes. Thanks guys! I'll have another update for 'It's Not The End, It's Just the Beginning' by Monday hopefully. 
          Love y'all <3


If I were to publish 'Go For It' independently, who would buy it from me? I'd have to change all the names but it'd be completely edited and it'd be yours. Let me know guys because I am seriously thinking about doing this! I'd make it as cheap as possible I promise. Please let me know if you guys would even be interested!


Hey guys again.
          It's been awhile since I sent out a message so I thought what the heck. 
          My life has not slowed down one bit. I never have ANY downtime to write anymore and I feel soooooo bad! I promise you that I am writing every second I get. I am slowly doing imagines that have been requested and also working on the sequel. The sequel is taking longer than expected to get out but I am trying my hardest! I know it seems like a long ways away but my updates will defiantly pick up in the summer when I get done with school. I will be writing on my trip to DC at the end of the year as well so expect A LOT of updates come Spring/Summer. Thank you to everyone that has continued their support even through my sparse updates. You guys mean everything to me, you have no idea. 
          Another reason I have not updated is that I have serious writers block because of all the stress I am under. If you could, can you please leave me a message with something you want to happen so I can get an update out sooner? For any of my books!
          Thanks guys for understanding. Hope to talk to you soon.