
Sorry that the last chapter is taking so long. 
          	I've had quite rough past few days and I just knew that if I tried to write it now, it'd be crap. 
          	I'm currently trying to get my inspiration Back by visiting countless manga stores, while blasting Babymetal into my ear-drums . 
          	It's kinda working :D 
          	If you're lucky the last Chap will be released tonight. 
          	YoUrS SiNcErLy


I just wanna say that your Zoro FF is so good!!! I love it so much!♡♡♡ I just started it today and I can't stop reading it. I'm so glad you have a Law one and I'm very excited to read it next afterwards!!! Please keep it up!!!☆♡☆♡☆♡☆


@ Raylene_UwU  Girl Stop i'm going to blushhhhhh. Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️


Sorry that the last chapter is taking so long. 
          I've had quite rough past few days and I just knew that if I tried to write it now, it'd be crap. 
          I'm currently trying to get my inspiration Back by visiting countless manga stores, while blasting Babymetal into my ear-drums . 
          It's kinda working :D 
          If you're lucky the last Chap will be released tonight. 
          YoUrS SiNcErLy


To all my fellow fanfic- writers...
          Do you ever just like...feel the urge to write because it somehow connects you with the charackter even more? 
          Like sometimes during the day I suddenly get this desire to continue because it feels like you actually interact with the world you want to be in so bad. 
          Take Law for example when ever something slightly triggers me, like a songtext or pictures of Cora-San, I just get this tingly feeling in my finger tips to dive back into my own story.
          Does anybody even see this? idk. Maybe i'm just crazy 


@MysticSkye8 ahhhh that Sounds amazing ❤️❤️


@Bellatomsom mines got a lot of OC and it's a multi-crossover. Should be good.. i hope :P


@ MysticSkye8  I should read your Story hehehehe. 
            But yeah its exactly like that . Also like some type of tribute to the Charakter. 
            Aah you're sooo sweet. Thank you so much ♥️♥️