
Ok, I'm doing this contest, and I need help with something.  
          	I need your opinion on his name, personality and anything else you can think of. 
          	It's not done yet, but It's almost done so... please. I have less then a week .
          	This is the contest if you need more help or something.


Ok, I'm doing this contest, and I need help with something.  

          I need your opinion on his name, personality and anything else you can think of. 
          It's not done yet, but It's almost done so... please. I have less then a week .

          This is the contest if you need more help or something.


Hey, sorry I haven't talked in a while. This is Pillybearkiller, I had to make a different account because my old phone got crushed by my nana's car on accident and we could transfer any of information over to my new phone. So, Hi! I hope this makes up for not talking for a while. Hope your having a great day/ night! 


@ElectroRaine Sorry to hear you're so busy, hope everything settles out soon


@ElectroRaine I am, I am. I'm doing so many things at once and time zone are becoming my worse enemy. I has been awhile. I hope we can talk more soon.


@ElectroRaine couldn't transfer* sorry, stupid auto correct


this message may be offensive
I was going through some old stuff on my computer and holy shit I have so many stories!!!! Like, over 60 most likely unfinished stories. Quite a few JSE one but there was just so many and they were so looooong. Do you guys think I should post some of them as pilot test?
                    	(Even though most of them aren't JSE related)


The next paragraph is up for grabs!
          If you have no idea on what I'm talking about, look my Antisepticeye short stories. The last two chapter will help this make sense. 
          Everyone can have a go, and if you don't get it the first time, you can always get your licks in later.