
I have quite a few chapters finished that I haven't been able to post so I'm posting some tonight to catch you up Aaliyah and Justin! Enjoy! 


Hey do you have any idea why JBFFP is gone, it can't find the page when you search for it. Best regards Ginny 


@LiveYourDreams4Life it isn't working anymore I don't know what's going on 


@Belieberjb_3194 can you please send me the link just to see if I can see yours? Because I don't even get the front page or login 


@LiveYourDreams4Life I have no idea I Googled the login page and it worked I have been able to post and everything I didn't realize no on could get to my story though hopefully they fix it soon


I just want to thank everyone for reading this story I am so incredibly happy that you are all enjoying it. I am so invested in these characters and their relationship it's insane but I am so excited to share my love for writing with you all. This is chapter 76 I usually stop my stories at 100 chapters I am still debating on whether or not to do another story after this one so feedback would be amazing. Again thank you all for reading I hope you enjoy this craziness.<3


Hey guys sorry my computer is down and I can't get the last few chapters of the story so I have to restart and now with Justin and Hailey hanging out I have to rework the story a little anyway I'll do my best to get something posted soon sorry for the long wait things have been crazy.