
Hello ppl!
          	I’m delighted to announce that my book ‘And Then I Found Me’ has been selected as one of the finalists of the INDIAN LITERARY AWARDS(ILA). As per their process, its now open for public voting. It’d be really great if you could spare me a minute and visit the page and add a ‘+1’ against my entry. If you want, you can read the book first and then vote if you feel its deserving enough. 
          	Here’s the link to the ILA voting page. Please read their instructions and you’ll understand everything. Thanks in advance! :)


Hi, I'm searching for an indian story where a guy in revenge or arrange marriage the girl..The girl's best friend is his husband's brother from college..I just remember in the last part that they both give their child to her best friend that is his brother and his wife as they were not able to get pregnant..But since then they are living a happy life..


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Hey there!!! 
          We are going to start a new book of recommendations and for that we need to promote books like yours.  So we need your permission for using the description of your books to gain more readers. Is that okay with you? Please inform us. 


Hey hi! Sorry I just saw your message. My bad!
            So is this still up?