
Check this contest out! It is needing more participants. Only one more spot left in the Paranormal genre but many free spots in the other genres!


If you like Historical Fiction and are searching for an extraordinary story different from the typical, this is the right story for you! 
          An amazing, lovely story that you'll surely enjoy if you choose to give it a try! So what are you waiting for? Go and check it out!


@Beatrice2902 Thank you thank you!!


Hello everyone!
          I've an important question. So, some reviewers and readers said that my chapters are too long and I agree with them. However, I have no idea what the good length for a chapter is. 
          In your opinion, approximately how many words should a chapter have to be considered one with a good length?


@Beatrice2902 It's not the length that matters in each chapter, it's how you maintain the hook or excitement in the story. If you think everything written in that chapter is important to advance the story, then let it be.


@Beatrice2902 We usually try to keep them 1-1.5k words, anything over that tends to become too much <3


@Beatrice2902  I think it depends on if something exciting happens in the story. I would rather have a long chapter that was exciting than a dull one with nothing important happening and nothing to do to lead the story forward. As somebody else said, it’s just a personal preference, so do what is best for you. ❤️


Hey! I saw that you started reading Make a Wish and I am pretty sure you are my judge for the Forever Awards, so I just wanted to stop by and say that I hope you enjoy Make a Wish and that, if it's possible, once the contest is over, could you give me some constructive feedback on Make a Wish and what I could improve on?!♡


@incrediblestories2 yes that would be great! Thank you so much! I really want to fix anything that is wrong with my story!♡


@ incrediblestories2  I've already read the 5 chapters i needed to evaluate your story. In fact I've already read 5 chapters of each book that was in the contest in the romance genre and the results will be out soon. As soon as they are out I don't mind giving you feedback and if you want I can also tell you what your score was