
I apologize for a lack of updates. I’ve been incredibly tired and preoccupied recently. I have started chapter 18, it’s just taking me some time to finish it.


I’m behind on chapter 18. I had a funeral to attend this past weekend and I had a long work week. I just need a little mental break so I can come back and write with a better headspace. I’ll keep y’all updated. Hopefully I’ll have something out this week.


Good morning. Chapter 17 of BTB has been published. I’m not quite sure how much more I plan to extend the story beyond inevitably defeating the Mist. The story may be reaching its conclusion in just a hand full of chapters. I may have my first completed work on my hands! TBD, I guess…


Chapter 16 of BTB has been published. The chapter is split into two parts. Chapter 16.2 is the full smut scene—all nearly 2k words of it haha. I really wanted to make the scene feel intimate and really capture the softer side Derek reserves for Stiles and how truly intense their bond is. I also wanted to delve deeper into Stiles thoughts and touch on feelings that I’m sure most may feel in such a vulnerable position.
          This was definitely a newer style of smut for me, but I truly enjoyed writing it. I just hope I got it right.
          Happy reading.